CERN Accelerating science

Title Coherent Diffraction Radiation Longitudinal Beam Profile Monitor for CTF3
Author(s) Micheler, Maximilian (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Blair, Grahame A. (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Boorman, Gary (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Karataev, Pavel (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Lekomtsev, Konstantin (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Molloy, Stephen (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Corsini, Roberto (CERN) ; Dabrowski, Anne (CERN) ; Lefevre, Thibaut (CERN)
Publication 2010
In: 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 23 - 28 May 2010, pp.MOPE071
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A setup for the investigation of Coherent Diffraction Radiation (CDR) from a conducting screen as a tool for noninvasive longitudinal electron beam profile diagnostics has been designed and installed in the Combiner Ring Measurement (CRM) line of the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3, CERN). In this report the status of the monitor development and results on the interferometric measurements of CDR spectra are presented. The CDR signal correlation with an RF pickup and a streak camera is reported. The future plans for the system improvements are also discussed
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 Journalen skapades 2010-11-18, och modifierades senast 2024-02-23