CERN Accelerating science

EuCARD Conference Paper
Report number EuCARD-CON-2010-054
Date(s), location
Imprint 2010
Title The EMMA Non-scaling FFAG
Author(s) Edgecock, Thomas (Rutherford) ; Beard, Carl (Daresbury) ; Clarke, James (Daresbury) ; Griffiths, Stephen (Daresbury) ; Hill, Clive (Daresbury) ; Jamison, Steven (Daresbury) ; Jones, James (Daresbury) ; Kalinin, Alexander (Daresbury) ; Marinov, Kiril (Daresbury) ; Marks, Neil (Daresbury) ; McIntosh, Peter (Daresbury) ; Muratori, Bruno (Daresbury) ; Orrett, Joseph (Daresbury) ; Saveliev, Yuri (Daresbury) ; Shepherd, Ben (Daresbury) ; Smith, Robert (Daresbury) ; Smith, Susan (Daresbury) ; Tzenov, Stephan (Daresbury) ; Wheelhouse, Alan (Daresbury) ; Berg, J. Scott (Brookhaven) ; Bliss, Neil (Daresbury) ; Martlew, Brian (Daresbury) ; White, Christopher (Daresbury) ; Craddock, Michael (TRIUMF) ; Crisp, James (Fermilab) ; Johnstone, Carol (Fermilab) ; Giboudot, Yoel (Brunel U.) ; Keil, Eberhard (CERN) ; Kelliher, David (Rutherford) ; Machida, Shinji (Rutherford) ; Koscielniak, Shane (TRIUMF) ; Meot, Francois (Saclay) ; Pasternak, Jaroslaw (Imperial Coll., London) ; Sheehy, Suzanne (Oxford U., JAI) ; Yokoi, Takeichiro (Oxford U., JAI)
WP 11: Assessment of Novel Accelerator Concepts
Task 11.3: FFAG
Abstract The Elec­tron Model for Many Ap­pli­ca­tions (EMMA) will be the World's first non-scal­ing FFAG and is under con­struc­tion at the STFC Dares­bury Lab­o­ra­to­ry in the UK. Con­struc­tion is due for com­ple­tion in March 2010 and will be fol­lowed by com­mis­sion­ing with beam and a de­tailed ex­per­i­men­tal pro­gramme to study the func­tion­ing of this type of ac­cel­er­a­tor. This paper will give an overview of the mo­ti­va­tion for the pro­ject and de­scribe the EMMA de­sign and hard­ware. The first re­sults from com­mis­sion­ing will be pre­sent­ed in a sep­a­rate paper.
Presented at 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 23 - 28 May 2010, pp.THPEC090

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 Journalen skapades 2010-11-11, och modifierades senast 2024-02-23

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