CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:1006.2375 ; CERN-PH-TH-2010-131 ; OUTP-10-14P ; CERN-PH-TH-2010-131 ; OUTP-10-14P
Title Beyond MFV in family symmetry theories of fermion masses
Author(s) Lalak, Zygmunt (Warsaw U.) ; Pokorski, Stefan (Warsaw U.) ; Ross, Graham G. (CERN ; Oxford U., Theor. Phys.)
Publication 2010
Imprint 14 Jun 2010
Number of pages 34 p, 34
Note Comments: 34 pages, no figures
In: JHEP 08 (2010) 129
DOI 10.1007/JHEP08(2010)129
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract Minimal Flavour Violation (MFV) postulates that the only source of flavour changing neutral currents and CP violation, as in the Standard Model, is the CKM matrix. However it does not address the origin of fermion masses and mixing and models that do usually have a structure that goes well beyond the MFV framework. In this paper we compare the MFV predictions with those obtained in models based on spontaneously broken (horizontal) family symmetries, both Abelian and non-Abelian. The generic suppression of flavour changing processes in these models turns out to be weaker than in the MFV hypothesis. Despite this, in the supersymmetric case, the suppression may still be consistent with a solution to the hierarchy problem, with masses of superpartners below 1 TeV. A comparison of FCNC and CP violation in processes involving a variety of different family quantum numbers should be able to distinguish between various family symmetry models and models satisfying the MFV hypothesis.
Copyright/License Open Access
Preprint: © 2010-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

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 Zapis kreiran 2010-06-14, zadnja izmjena 2023-03-12

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