001270202 001__ 1270202
001270202 003__ SzGeCERN
001270202 005__ 20220817152446.0
001270202 0247_ $$2DOI$$a10.1088/1742-6596/219/7/072022
001270202 0248_ $$aoai:cds.cern.ch:1270202$$pcerncds:CERN
001270202 035__ $$9SPIRES$$a8701750
001270202 035__ $$9Inspire$$a860229
001270202 041__ $$aeng
001270202 100__ $$aVanderster, D C$$uCERN
001270202 245__ $$aGanga: User-friendly Grid job submission and management tool for LHC and beyond
001270202 260__ $$c2010
001270202 520__ $$aGanga has been widely used for several years in ATLAS, LHCb and a handful of other communities. Ganga provides a simple yet powerful interface for submitting and managing jobs to a variety of computing backends. The tool helps users configuring applications and keeping track of their work. With the major release of version 5 in summer 2008, Ganga's main user-friendly features have been strengthened. Examples include a new configuration interface, enhanced support for job collections, bulk operations and easier access to subjobs. In addition to the traditional batch and Grid backends such as Condor, LSF, PBS, gLite/EDG a point-to-point job execution via ssh on remote machines is now supported. Ganga is used as an interactive job submission interface for end-users, and also as a job submission component for higher-level tools. For example GangaRobot is used to perform automated, end-to-end testing of distributed data analysis. Ganga comes with an extensive test suite covering more than 350 test cases. The development model involves all active developers in the release management shifts which is an important and novel approach for the distributed software collaborations. Ganga 5 is a mature, stable and widely-used tool with long-term support from the HEP community.
001270202 540__ $$3publication$$aCC-BY
001270202 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aComputing and Computers
001270202 690C_ $$aARTICLE
001270202 690C_ $$aCERN
001270202 693__ $$aNot applicable$$eNot applicable
001270202 700__ $$aBrochu, F$$uCambridge U.
001270202 700__ $$aCowan, G$$uEdinburgh U.
001270202 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067959$$9#BEARD#$$aEgede, U$$uImperial Coll., London
001270202 700__ $$aElmsheuser, J$$uMunich U.
001270202 700__ $$aGaidoz, B$$uCERN
001270202 700__ $$aHarrison, K$$uBirmingham U.
001270202 700__ $$aLee, H C$$uNIKHEF, Amsterdam
001270202 700__ $$aLiko, D$$uVienna, OAW
001270202 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2083890$$9#BEARD#$$aMaier, A$$uCERN
001270202 700__ $$aMoscicki, T$$uCERN
001270202 700__ $$aMuraru, A$$uCERN
001270202 700__ $$aPajchel, K$$uOslo U.
001270202 700__ $$aReece, W$$uImperial Coll., London
001270202 700__ $$aSamset, B$$uOslo U.
001270202 700__ $$aSlater, M$$uBirmingham U.
001270202 700__ $$aSoroko, A$$uOxford U.
001270202 700__ $$aTan, C L$$uBirmingham U.
001270202 700__ $$aWilliams, M$$uImperial Coll., London
001270202 710__ $$5IT
001270202 773__ $$c072022$$pJ. Phys.: Conf. Ser.$$v219$$y2010
001270202 916__ $$sh$$w201023$$ya2010
001270202 960__ $$a13
001270202 961__ $$c20100901$$h1608$$lCER01$$x20100607
001270202 963__ $$aPUBLIC
001270202 962__ $$b993686$$k072022$$nprague20090321
001270202 970__ $$a002901434CER
001270202 980__ $$aARTICLE
001270202 980__ $$aConferencePaper