CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass
Author(s) Park, Jinstitute ; Baylon cardiel, J L ; Wallace, K Cinstitute ; Anderson, T B ; Copley, Minstitute
Experiment RE19
Greybook See RE19 experiment
Approved 03 March 2010
Status Preparation
Collaboration CREAM
Accelerator RE
Abstract The cosmic-ray energetics and mass (CREAM) investigation is designed to measure cosmic-ray composition to the supernova energy scale of 10$^{15}$ eV in a series of ultra long duration balloon (ULDB) flights. The first flight is planned to be launched from Antarctica in December 2004. The goal is to observe cosmic-ray spectral features and/or abundance changes that might signify a limit to supernova acceleration. The particle (${Z}$) measurements will be made with a timing-based charge detector and a pixelated silicon charge detector to minimize the effect of backscatter from the calorimeter. The particle energy measurements will be made with a transition radiation detector (TRD) for ${Z}$ > 3 and a sampling tungsten/scintillator calorimeter for ${Z}$ $\geq$1 particles, allowing inflight cross calibration of the two detectors. The status of the payload construction and flight preparation are reported in this paper.
Contact: Malinin, A
Contact: Picot-clemente, N

 Record creato 2010-05-05, modificato l'ultima volta il 2015-08-01

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