| Brun, Pierre (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Bertone, Gianfranco (Paris, Inst. Astrophys. ; Zurich U.) ; Cirelli, Marco (CERN ; Saclay, SPhT) ; Moulin, Emmanuel (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Glicenstein, Jean-Francois (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Iocco, Fabio (Saclay, SPhT ; Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Pieri, Lidia (Padua U. ; INFN, Legnaro) |
| Recent measurements of cosmic ray electrons and positrons by PAMELA, ATIC, Fermi and HESS have revealed interesting excesses and features in the GeV-TeV range. Many possible explanations have been suggested, invoking one or more nearby primary sources such as pulsars and supernova remnants, or dark matter. Based on the output of the TANGO in PARIS --Testing Astroparticle with the New GeV/TeV Observations in Positrons And electRons : Identifying the Sources-- workshop held in Paris in May 2009, we review here the latest experimental results and we discuss some virtues and drawbacks of the many theoretical interpretations proposed so far. |