CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Litvinenko, V and Beavis, Dana Richard and Ben-Zvi, I and
                       Blaskiewicz, M and Blüm, H P and Burrill, A and Calaga, R
                       and Cameron, P and Chang, X and Cole, M D and Delayen, J R
                       and Drees, K A and Favale, A J and Funk, L W and Ganetis, G
                       and Gassner, D M and Hahn, H and Hammons, L R and
                       Hershcovitch, A and Holmes, D and Hseuh, H C and Jain, A K
                       and Kayran, A and Kewisch, J and Lambiase, R F and Lederle,
                       D L and Mahler, G J and McIntyre, G T and Meng, W and
                       Nehring, T C and Oerter, B and Pai, C and Pate, D and
                       Phillips, D and Phillips, H L and Pozdeyev, E and Preble, J
                       P and Rao, T and Rathke, J and Reich, J and Roser, T and
                       Russo, T and Schultheiss, T and Smith, K and Tuozzolo, J E
                       and Weiss, D and Williams, N and Yip, Kin and Zaltsman, A",
      title         = "{R and D Energy Recovery Linac at Brookhaven National
      reportNumber  = "JLAB-ACC-08-830",
      year          = "2008",
      url           = "",