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Report number CERN-NP-Internal-Report-70-4
Title Total and absorption cross sections of $\pi ^{-}K^{-}$ and $p^{-}$ in the momentum range 20-65 GeV/c
Author(s) Allaby, J V (CERN) ; Bushnin, Yu B (IHEP Sepukhov) ; Denisov, S P (IHEP Sepukhov) ; Diddens, Albert Nomdo (CERN) ; Dobinson, Robert W (CERN) ; Donskov, S V (IHEP Sepukhov) ; Giacomelli, G (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Gorin, Yu P (IHEP Sepukhov) ; Klovning, A (CERN) ; Petrukhin, A I (IHEP Sepukhov) ; Prokoshkin, Yu D (IHEP Sepukhov) ; Shuvalov, R S (IHEP Sepukhov) ; Stahlbrandt, C A (CERN) ; Stotanova, D A (IHEP Sepukhov)
Publication 1970
Imprint 19 Feb. 1970
Number of pages 37
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


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