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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Nuclear Stopping : Paving the Way from RHIC to LHC(p. 1813) |
by Dalsgaard, Hans Hjersing |
Low $p_T$ Hadronic Physics with CMS (p. 1819) |
by Sikler, Ferenc |
Coherence of Pion Souces from Multi-Pion Interferometry in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at SPS and RHIC (p. 1826) |
by Morita, Kenji |
Hydjet Simulations of Elliptic Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC (p. 1917) |
by Krofcheck, D |
Simulation of Jet Quenching Observables in Heavy Ion Collisions at The LHC (p. 1937) |
by Roland, Christof |
Probing the Quark-Gluon Plasma at the LHC with Z$^{0}$- tagged Jets in CMS (p. 1950) |
by Mironov, Camelia |
Open charm reconstruction in ALICE: ${\rm D^+\to K^-\pi^+\pi^+}$ (p. 2097) |
by Bruna, Elena |
Measuring Photons and Neutrons at Zero Degrees in CMS (p. 2137) |
by Grachov, Oleg A. |
Evidence for Non-Gaussian Tail in 3-Dimensional Pion Emission Source at SPS (p. 2205) |
by Chung, P. |
Simulation Studies of Trigger Decision Critierion for the ALICE/PHOS (p. 2407) |
by Wang, Yaping |
The Laser of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (p. 2413) |
by Renault, G |
Performance of Forward Resistive Plate Chambers for Muon Triggering at CMS/LHC (p. 2425) |
by Hong, B |
The ALICE Forward Multiplicity Detector (p. 2432) |
by Holm Christensen, Christian |
Proton-Proton Physics with the ALICE Muon Spectrometer at the LHC (p. 2438) |
by Bastid, N |
The Inner Tracking System of ALICE (p. 2445) |
by Nooren, G J L |
Exotic Physics at the LHC with CASTOR in CMS (p. 2451) |
by Norbeck, Edwin |
Particle Identification Studies with an ALICE Test TPC (p. 2457) |
by Christiansen, Peter |
Short Lived Resonances in ALICE (p. 2463) |
by Badalà, A |
Quarkonia Measurements with the Central Detectors of ALICE (p. 2484) |
by Sommer, Wolfgang |
The Pixel Fast-Or Signal for the ALICE Trigger in Proton-Proton Collisions (p. 2503) |
by Elia, D. |
New results and perspectives on $R_{AA}$ measurements below 20 GeV CM-energy at fixed target machines (p. 2516) |
by Laszlo, Andras |
Heavy-Ion Physics with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC : A Progess Towards Operation(p. 2522) |
by Dolejsi, J |
Elliptic Flow Simulation and Analysis in ALICE (p. 2528) |
by Simili, Emanuele |
Show contributions in CDS
Rekord stworzony 2007-10-17, ostatnia modyfikacja 2021-07-30