CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:0708.1311 ; CERN-PH-EP-2007-027 ; OPAL-PR-424 ; CERN-PH-EP-2007-027
Title Measurement of the $e^+ e^- \to W^+ W^-$ cross section and W decay branching fractions at LEP
Related titleCROSS-SECTION

Abbiendi, G. ; Ainsley, C. ; Akesson, P.F. ; Alexander, G. ; Anagnostou, G. ; Anderson, K.J. ; Asai, S. ; Axen, D. ; Bailey, I. ; Barberio, E. ; Barillari, T. ; Barlow, R.J. ; Batley, R.J. ; Bechtle, P. ; Behnke, T. ; Bell, Kenneth Watson ; Bell, P.J. ; Bella, G. ; Bellerive, A. ; Benelli, G. ; Bethke, S. ; Biebel, O. ; Boeriu, O. ; Bock, P. ; Boutemeur, M. ; Braibant, S. ; Brown, Robert M. ; Burckhart, H.J. ; Campana, S. ; Capiluppi, P. ; Carnegie, R.K. ; Carter, A.A. ; Carter, J.R. ; Chang, C.Y. ; Charlton, D.G. ; Ciocca, C. ; Csilling, A. ; Cuffiani, M. ; Dado, S. ; Dallavalle, M. ; De Roeck, A. ; De Wolf, E.A. ; Desch, K. ; Dienes, B. ; Dubbert, J. ; Duchovni, E. ; Duckeck, G. ; Duerdoth, I.P. ; Etzion, E. ; Fabbri, F. ; Ferrari, P. ; Fiedler, F. ; Fleck, I. ; Ford, M. ; Frey, A. ; Gagnon, P. ; Gary, John William ; Geich-Gimbel, C. ; Giacomelli, G. ; Giacomelli, P. ; Giunta, Marina ; Goldberg, J. ; Gross, E. ; Grunhaus, J. ; Gruw, M. ; Gupta, A. ; Hajdu, C. ; Hamann, M. ; Hanson, G.G. ; Harel, A. ; Hauschild, M. ; Hawkes, C.M. ; Hawkings, R. ; Herten, G. ; Heuer, R.D. ; Hill, J.C. ; Horvath, D. ; Igo-Kemenes, P. ; Ishii, K. ; Jeremie, H. ; Jovanovic, P. ; Junk, T.R. ; Kanzaki, J. ; Karlen, D. ; Kawagoe, K. ; Kawamoto, T. ; Keeler, R.K. ; Kellogg, R.G. ; Kennedy, B.W. ; Kluth, S. ; Kobayashi, T. ; Kobel, M. ; Komamiya, S. ; Kramer, T. ; Krasznahorkay, A., Jr. ; Krieger, P. ; von Krogh, J. ; Kuhl, T. ; Kupper, M. ; Lafferty, G.D. ; Landsman, H. ; Lanske, D. ; Lellouch, D. ; Lettso, J. ; Levinson, L. ; Lillich, J. ; Lloyd, S.L. ; Loebinger, F.K. ; Lu, J. ; Ludwig, A. ; Ludwig, J. ; Mader, W. ; Marcellini, S. ; Martin, A.J. ; Mashimo, T. ; Mattig, Peter ; McKenna, J. ; McPherson, R.A. ; Meijers, F. ; Menges, W. ; Merritt, F.S. ; Mes, H. ; Meyer, N. ; Michelini, A. ; Mihara, S. ; Mikenberg, G. ; Miller, D.J. ; Mohr, W. ; Mori, T. ; Mutter, A. ; Nagai, K. ; Nakamura, I. ; Nanjo, H. ; Neal, H.A. ; O'Neale, S.W. ; Oh, A. ; Oreglia, M.J. ; Orito, S. ; Pahl, C. ; Pasztor, G. ; Pater, J.R. ; Pilcher, J.E. ; Pinfold, J. ; Plane, D.E. ; Pooth, O. ; Przybycien, M. ; Quadt, A. ; Rabbertz, K. ; Rembser, C. ; Renkel, P. ; Roney, J.M. ; Rossi, A.M. ; Rozen, Y. ; Runge, K. ; Sachs, K. ; Saeki, T. ; Sarkisyan, E.K.G. ; Schaile, A.D. ; Schaile, O. ; Scharff-Hansen, P. ; Schieck, J. ; Schorner-Sadenius, T. ; Schroder, M. ; Schumacher, M. ; Seuster, R. ; Shears, T.G. ; Shen, B.C. ; Sherwood, P. ; Skuja, A. ; Smith, A.M. ; Sobie, R. ; Soldner-Rembold, S. ; Spano, F. ; Stahl, A. ; Strom, David M. ; Strohmer, R. ; Tarem, S. ; Tasevsky, M. ; Teuscher, R. ; Thomson, M.A. ; Torrence, E. ; Toya, D. ; Trigger, I. ; Trocsanyi, Z. ; Tsur, E. ; Turner-Watson, M.F. ; Ueda, I. ; Ujvari, B. ; Vollmer, C.F. ; Vannerem, P. ; Vertesi, R. ; Verzocchi, M. ; Voss, H. ; Vossebeld, J. ; Ward, C.P. ; Ward, D.R. ; Watkins, P.M. ; Watson, A.T. ; Watson, N.K. ; Wells, P.S. ; Wengler, T. ; Wermes, N. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Wilson, J.A. ; Wolf, G. ; Wyatt, T.R. ; Yamashita, S. ; Zer-Zion, D. ; Zivkovic, Lidija

Affiliation (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham) ; (Dipartimento di Fisica dell Universita di Bologna and INFN) ; (Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn) ; (Department of Physics, University of California) ; (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge) ; (Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics, Department of Physics, Carleton University) ; (Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics, University of Chicago) ; (Fakultat fur Physik, Albert Ludwigs Universitat, Freiburg) ; (Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Heidelberg) ; (Indiana University, Department of Physics) ; (Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London,) ; (Technische Hochschule Aachen, III Physikalisches Institut, Aachen) ; (University College London) ; (School of Physics and Astronomy, Schuster Laboratory, Manchester) ; (Department of Physics, University of Maryland) ; (Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire, Universite de Montreal) ; (University of Oregon, Department of Physics) ; (CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) ; (Department of Physics, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology) ; (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University) ; (International Centre for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, University of Tokyo) ; (Kobe University) ; (Particle Physics Department, Weizmann Institute of Science) ; (Universitat Hamburg/DESY) ; (University of Victoria, Department of Physics) ; (University of British Columbia, Department of Physics) ; (University of Alberta, Department of Physics) ; (Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest) ; (Institute of Nuclear Research, Hungary) ; (Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen) ; (Max-Planck-Institute fur Physik, Munchen) ; (Yale University,Department of Physics)
Publication 2007
Imprint 22 Jul 2007
Number of pages 33
Note This paper is dedicated to the memory of Ben Shen
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Ben Shen
In: Eur. Phys. J. C 52 (2007) 767-785
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-007-0442-0
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; OPAL
Abstract From a total data sample of 701.1 pb^-1 recorded with e+e- centre-of-mass energies of sqrt = 161-209 GeV with the OPAL detector at LEP, 11693 W-pair candidate events are selected. These data are used to obtain measurements of the W-pair production cross sections at 10 different centre-of-mass energies. The ratio of the measured cross sections to the Standard Model expectation is found to be: data/SM = 1.002 +- 0.011(stat.) +- 0.007(syst.) +- 0.005(theory), where the uncertainties are statistical, experimental systematics and theory systematics respectively. The data are used to determine the W boson branching fractions, which are found to be consistent with lepton universality of the charged current interaction. Assuming lepton universality, the branching ratio to hadrons is determined to be 67.41 +- 0.37(stat.) +- 0.23(syst.)%, from which the CKM matrix element Vcs is determined to be 0.96+-0.017(stat.)+-0.012(syst.). The differential cross section as a function of the W^- production angle is measured for the qqev and qqmv final states. The results described in this paper are consistent with the expectations from the Standard Model.

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 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 2007-08-09, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2021-10-29

სრული ტექსტი:
arXiv:0708.1311 - სრული ტექსტის ჩამოტვირთვაPDF
phep-2007-027 - სრული ტექსტის ჩამოტვირთვაPDF
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