CERN Accelerating science

Report number PEP-38 ; PEP-39 ; PEP-40 ; PEP-41 ; PEP-42 ; PEP-43 ; PEP-44 ; PEP-45 ; PEP-46 ; PEP-47 ; PEP-48 ; PEP-49 ; PEP-50 ; PEP-51 ; PEP-52 ; PEP-53 ; PEP-54 ; PEP-55 ; PEP-56 ; PEP-57 ; PEP-58 ; PEP-59 ; PEP-60 ; PEP-61 ; PEP-62 ; PEP-63 ; PEP-64 ; PEP-65 ; PEP-66 ; PEP-67 ; PEP-68 ; PEP-69 ; PEP-70 ; PEP-71 ; PEP-72
Conference title PEP Summer Study
Related conference title(s) PEP Summer Study
Date(s), location 6 - 17 and 20 - 31 Aug 1973, Berkeley, CA, USA
Corporate author(s) Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Stanford ; University of California. Berkeley. Radiation Laboratory
Imprint Stanford, CA : SLAC, 1973
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Influence of the Touschek effect on lifetime measurements in SPEAR (p. 2)
by Hereward, H G
Some possible causes of bunch shape distortion in SPEAR (p. 3)
by Hereward, H G
Equilibrium energy distribution in a non-linear potential well in the presence of quantum fluctuations (p. 3)
by Hereward, H G
Possibility of observing turbulence in SPEAR (p. 4)
by Hereward, H G
Storage ring experiments (p. 5)
by Elioff, T
Bunch lengthening (p. 9)
by Sacherer, F J
Space-charge effects at transition energy; an attempt to scale from the CPS to PEP-6 and other machines (p. 11)
by Möhl, D E P
The use of rf-knockout to measure synchrotron oscillatin frequencies and energy spread (p. 14)
by Möhl, D E P
The excitation of non-linear resonances by a displaced elliptical beam (p. 20)
by Keil, Eberhard

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 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 1990-01-27, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2021-07-30