Summer Camp Week 3: The Sorrowful Mystery

Went to the park and made Agony in the Garden multimedia collages! Played word games to practice our language skills and we went to the library where some of us participated in activities upstairs and the rest of us went to Tinker Tuesday where we made rockets! Mmath games,adoration, and coding! Three of our campers served (one for the first time)! Went to the library where some of us did storytime. Learned about the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery-The Carrying of the Cross, and worked on a cross craft
72 Pins
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI
Thursday was really neat!
Thursday was really neat! - St. Joseph's Church, School and Daycare - Dodgeville, WI