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[테라코코리아] 테라라이트 아트스톤 (Terralite Artstone)_ART-03 (펄브라운)
ART-03 펄브라운 (중도재 MID 02) 건축물의 품격을 한층 높일 수 있는 대리석 질감의 품격 높은 내, 외부 마감재로서 화강암 및 각종 인공 석재의 색상을 입체감있게 연출할 수 있습니다. This product is a pure acrylic water-in-water multi-colour coating which is designed to realistically simulate granite stone. Terralite Artstone (Multicolour), based on a tough acrylic resin ensuring enhanced durability and dirt pick-up resistance, has built-in algae and fungi resistance. This attractive liquid granite effect coating allows the designer to create exciting exterior facades. https://terraco.co.kr/테라라이트-아트스톤/
[테라코코리아] 테라라이트 아트스톤 (Terralite Artstone)_ART-18 (마천석1)
ART-18 마천석1 (중도재 MID 08) 건축물의 품격을 한층 높일 수 있는 대리석 질감의 품격 높은 내, 외부 마감재로서 화강암 및 각종 인공 석재의 색상을 입체감있게 연출할 수 있습니다. This product is a pure acrylic water-in-water multi-colour coating which is designed to realistically simulate granite stone. Terralite Artstone (Multicolour), based on a tough acrylic resin ensuring enhanced durability and dirt pick-up resistance, has built-in algae and fungi resistance. This attractive liquid granite effect coating allows the designer to create exciting exterior facades. https://terraco.co.kr/테라라이트-아트스톤/
Download free image of Closeup of marble textured background about marble, marble texture, marble tile texture, marbled pattern, and concret texture 327652
Closeup of marble textured background | free image by rawpixel.com
Waves Black Granite - Grey Granite - StoneContact.com
Waves Black Granite - Grey Granite - StoneContact.com
Jean Dubuffet. Territory (Territoire) from the portfolio Theater of the Earth (Théâtre du sol) from Phenomena (Les Phénomènes). 1959 | MoMA