
27 Pins
Thesavro de scrittori : opera artificiosa, laquale con grandissima arte, si per pratica come per geometria, insegna a scriuere diuerse sorte littere, cioe cancellerescha, merchantescha, formata, cursiua, antiqua, moderna et bastarda, de piu sorte : cum uiarij e bellissimi exempli & altre sorte littere de uarie lingue, cioe grecha, hebraicha, caldea & arabicha : tutte extratte da diuersi et probatissimi auttori, & massimamente da lo praeclarissimo Sigismvndo Fanto, nobile ferrarese, mathematico et architettore eruditissimo, dele mesure e ragione de littere primo inuentore : Carpi, Ugo da, 1480-approximately 1532 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
HIGH QUALITY Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils - PDF
This is a *PDF* of the VERY RARE Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils book by Fred Gettings. Physical copies of this book written in 1981 can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars. This book is a massive reference, guide & source book, which examines variations in, developments of, & meanings of sigils & symbols, used by occultists, alchemists, astrologers, hermeticists, magicians & others, over the past millennium. The PDF has been split into two parts to retain as much quality as possible. Total size of PDFs around 30MB! Please keep in mind that this is still a PDF scan of the original text, so it will appear as so. I've included a few converted PDF to JPG sample pages in the photos as a reference of what the scans look like. However, the converted JPGs you see here