#WhyGuess campaign

The “Why Guess … when you can test?” campaign wants to stop healthcare professionals having to guess whether a pregnant woman is carrying the potentially harmful group B Strep bacteria. It wants them to have easy access to the gold standard ECM test, a test specifically designed to detect GBS carriage. Join us! www.gbss.org.uk/why-gues
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The UK Sepsis Trust Backs 'Why Guess When You Can Test?' Campaign - Group B Strep Support
We’re excited to announce that national charity The UK Sepsis Trust supports the Why Guess … when you can test? campaign. “The UK Sepsis Trust fully supports the Why Guess? campaign and endorses making the ‘gold standard’ Enriched Culture Medium test to detect group B Strep carriage available for clinicians to request for pregnant women in their
Sign the Petition
Group B Strep is a normal bacterium carried by around 1/4 women, without symptoms and usually unknowingly. It can be passed from mother to baby around birth with potentially devastating consequences for the baby. But these consequences are usually preventable and that’s why I’ve started this petition with the charity Group B Strep Support.
Sepsis Trust
Meningitis Research Foundation Backs 'Why Guess When You Can Test?' Campaign - Group B Strep Support
We are excited to announce that Meningitis Research Foundation supports the Why Guess … when you can test? campaign. “MRF supports the #WhyGuess campaign to make a simple GBS test for pregnant mums-to-be available to clinicians to use whenever they feel it’s appropriate. Transmission of GBS from mothers to their new-born children has
My son spent a week in SCBU because of GBS. If we had known beforehand we could have argued for immediate admission rather than being sent away for 48hrs when my wife had PROM. #WhyGuess
We support #WhyGuess because this little fella had it when he was born and we don't want number 2 to have the same!
#WhyGuess when you can test? Join us! gbss.org.uk/why-guess
Mum writes, "Today my beautiful daughter Heather turns 18. We called at the neonatal unit to see the nurses who saved her life....some remembered us. It seems like yesterday. Feeling so thankful. But the sister was able to tell me that they are still seeing too many babies with group B Strep infections." #WhyGuess when you can test? gbss.org.uk/why-guess
Tamba Backs 'Why Guess When You Can Test?' Campaign - Group B Strep Support
We’re excited to announce that national charity Tamba supports the Why Guess … when you can test? campaign. “We fully support this campaign. It seems like common sense for professionals to have access to a test that gives good accurate results. Keeping the status quo is potentially a waste of time and money and
Cosmic Home - COSMIC
Cosmic supports the '#WhyGuess when you can test?' campaign because ..."as a charity supporting a children’s intensive care unit (PICU), we see many babies with severe GBS disease each year, and often see the devastating consequences of this preventable infection on new born babies and their families.”
Action on Pre-eclampsia Backs 'Why Guess When You Can Test?' Campaign - Group B Strep Support
We’re excited to announce that national charity Action on Pre-eclampsia supports the Why Guess … when you can test? campaign. "Action on Pre eclampsia, wholeheartedly supports this campaign. The death or suffering of your baby has to be the worst thing that can happen to anyone and anything that can prevent that has to be a priority.
Mum writes, "Our little girl supports the ‪#‎WhyGuess‬ campaign as she was born with group b strep and very poorly. Thank goodness our midwife noticed something wasn't right and after lots of tests and a lumber puncture she received antibiotics when she was just 4 hours old for 13 days"
Are you group B Strep aware? Why guess...when you can test? gbss.org.uk/why-guess