cocina rapida

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Focaccine filanti di patate e broccoli
🕐Tempo di preparazione: 30 minuti 🕐Tempo di cottura: 10 minuti 😊Difficoltà: Facile 🍽Dosi: Per 8-10 focaccine 🤑Costo: Basso Ingredienti: Patate, 400 g; Broccoli, 150 g; Fecola di patate, 150 g; Edamer, 80 g circa; Olio, 2 cucchiai per l’impasto + q.b. Sale, q.b. ; Pepe, q.b. Consigli: Puoi sostituire l’Edamer con un altro tipo di formaggio filante come la scamorza. Puoi utilizzare l’amido di mais al posto della fecola di patate.
No hay una regla exacta para preparar un sandwich de atún, únicamente debemos contar con 2 ingredientes fundamentales, el atún y la mayonesa, de ahí para adelante ya es cuestión de gustos y de ponernos creativos.
Sandwich de atún
No hay una regla exacta para preparar un sandwich de atún, únicamente debemos contar con 2 ingredientes fundamentales, el atún y la mayonesa, de ahí para adelante ya es cuestión de gustos y de ponernos creativos.
Crafting Culinary Art: Explore Creative Ways to Decorate and Shape Your Food!"
Unleash your inner chef and embark on a journey of culinary creativity! Dive into the world of food decoration and shaping with our inspiring ideas. From beautifully plated dishes to artistically crafted edible sculptures, discover techniques that will elevate your meals from ordinary to extraordinary. Explore the art of food presentation and make your dining experience a visual delight. Elevate your cooking game and turn every meal into a masterpiece!
This may contain: a chocolate cake sitting on top of a white plate next to a potted plant
Flan de Chocolate Casero: Un Abrazo de Sabor 🍫🍮✨
¡Descubre cómo preparar este delicioso flan de chocolate en casa. Su suavidad y sabor te conquistarán. ¡No te pierdas la receta! 😋 #FlanDeChocolate #RecetasDulces #PostresCaseros #ChocolateAmor #DeliciasEnCasa #CocinaCreativa #DisfrutaElSabor ¡¡SI QUIERES SABER MAS ENTRA AL ENLACE PARA MAS RECETAS Y COMO HACERLAS!!
This may contain: a pan filled with brown liquid sitting on top of a stove
Tacos con tortillas de plátano 😋
Heavenly Deviled Eggs: A Delightful Classic Recipe
Deviled eggs are a timeless and delightful appetizer that never fails to please. These heavenly treats consist of hard-boiled eggs with their yolks whipped to creamy perfection, mixed with tangy mayo, mustard, and a dash of seasoning to create a rich, velvety filling. The mixture is then spooned back into the egg whites, creating a beautiful and inviting presentation. The name 'deviled' comes from the spiciness of the original recipes