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Ammar ibn Jasir

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Ammar ibn Jasir
عمار ابن ياسر
Kaligrafija imena
Siffin, Sirija
Poznat(a) poMuhammedov ashab
RoditeljiJasir ibn Amir i Sumejja

Ammar ibn Jasir (arapski: عمار ابن ياسر; umro u julu 657.) bio je Muhammedov ashab i komandant u ranim muslimanskim osvajanjima. Njegovi roditelji, Sumejja i Jasir ibn Amir, bili su prvi šehidi Ummeta. Ammar je prešao na islam na poziv Ebu-Bekra i bio je među muhadžirima. Nakon seobe u Medinu (hidžre), učestvovao je u izgradnji Poslanikove džamije i borio se u većini muslimanskih ekspedicija. Borio se pod halifom Ebu-Bekrom i u muslimanskom osvajanju Perzije pod Omerom. Ammar je služio kao guverner Kufe pod Omerom. Nakon Osmanovog ubistva, Ammar je postao vjerni pristalica halife Alije i poginuo je boreći se na Alijinoj strani u bici na Siffinu.

Prije islama

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Ammar je pripadao plemenu iz Jemena. Rođen je u godini slona, koja je bila iste godine kada se rodio Muhammed, i bio je jedan od posrednika u Muhammedovom braku sa Hatidžom bint Huvejlid. Njegov otac, Jasir ibn Amir, bio je iz plemena Kahtan u Jemenu i migrirao je u Mekku i tamo se nastanio nakon što je oženio Sumejju, robinju; Ammar i njegovi roditelji, Jasir i Sumejja, bili su robovi Ebu-Huzejfe, ali nakon njegove smrti, Ebu Džehl - koji je kasnije postao jedan od najbrutalnijih neprijatelja islama i zloglasni mučitelj Ammara i njegovih roditelja - preuzeo ih je kao svoje robove. Ammarovo povjerenje u Muhammeda i njegovo znanje o njemu, čak i prije njegovog poslanstva, ohrabrilo ga je da slijedi Muhammedovu objavu, što ga je učinilo jednim od prvih muslimana.[1][2][3]

Nakon prelaska na islam

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Ammar je rođen 567. godine kao sin Jasira ibn Amira i Sumejje, koji su bili brutalno mučeni i ubijeni. U ranoj mladosti, Ammar je prešao na islam na poziv Ebu-Bekra, postavši jedan od najranijih muslimana.[4][5] Postao je jedan od najistaknutijih Muhammedovih ashaba učestvujući u svim njegovim vojnim sukobima i bitkama.[6] Historijski gledano, Ammar ibn Jasir je bio prvi musliman koji je sagradio džamiju.[7]

Ammar je prešao na islam 614. ili 615. godine.[4] To se poklopilo sa periodom kada su Kurejšije progonili muslimane niže klase.[8] Ammarov otac, majka i brat također su postali muslimani, ali ne na pozivu Ebu-Bekra.[9]

Kada su Kurejšije saznali za prelazak Jasirove porodice na islam, oni su bili među "žrtvama koje su mučene u Mekki kako bi se odrekli islama".[9] Pripadnici Ammarovog plemena su po vrućinama izvodili Ammara sa njegovim ocem i majkom i izlagali ih na suncu u okolini Mekke i mučili ih u žaru otvorene vatre, a Muhammed je prolazio pored njih i govorio: "Strpljenje, o Jasirova porodice! Bit ćete stanovnici dženneta"[10] i "O vatro! Budi hladna i bezopasna za Ammara na isti način na koji si postala hladna i bezopasan za Ibrahima." shodno tome, Ammar je do kraja života imao ožiljke na tijelu od mučenja.[9][11]

Ammar je mučen "sve dok nije znao šta govori", kao i njegov prijatelj Suhejb; u tom stanju se na kraju odrekao Muhammeda i dobro govorio o paganskim bogovima. Nakon toga je otišao kod Muhammeda i priznao svoje odricanje. Muhammed je upitao: "Kakvo je tvoje srce?" Kada je Ammar odgovorio da je još uvijek musliman u svom srcu, Muhammed je rekao da je sve u redu. Ajet iz Kur'ana, "nekoga natjeranog da to učini, čije srce ostaje mirno u svojoj vjeri" 106. ajet sure En-Nahl, odnosi se na Ammara.[9][12] Ammarovu majku je ubio Ebu Džehl zbog njenog odbijanja da napusti islam: smatra se prvim šehidom u islamu.[13] Početni ajeti sure El-Ankebut otkriveni su kao odgovor na ovaj događaj.

Da bi izbjegao mučenje tadašnjih Mekanaca, Ibn Saad[9] i Ibn Ishak[14] izvještavaju da je Ammar otišao u Abesiniju 616. godine.

Bitke pod Muhammedom

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Ammar ibn Jasirov mač

Ammar je bio jedan od rijetkih ratnika koji su učestvovali u prvoj velikoj bici u islamu, bici na Bedru, uprkos izuzetno teškim uvjetima u to vrijeme;[15] predano je nastavio da učestvuje u svim teškim borbama sa muslimanima čak i nakon smrti Muhammeda.[6]

Historijski najvažniji događaj vezan za Ammara, za muslimane jeste: dok je Ammar učestvovao u izgradnji Poslanikove džamije u Medini, "[Muhammed] je došao kada su ga (Ammara) preopteretili sa ciglama, pa je Ammar rekao: 'Ubijaju me teretom koji ne mogu sami nositi.' Muhammedova žena Ummu Seleme je rekla: Vidjela sam kako je Poslanik provukao svoju ruku kroz njegovu kosu – jer je Ammar bio čovjek s kovrdžavom kosom – i rekao: 'Naprotiv, sine Summejin! neće te ubiti oni, već banda opačenih ljudi .'...Sada je držao štap u ruci, a Poslanik je bio ljut i rekao: 'Koja je razlika između njih i Ammara? Ammar ih poziva u džennet dok oni njega pozivaju u džehennem'"[16][17][18] Ovi izvještaji, koje su i suniti i šiiti smatrali validnim, kasnije će biti važni tokom pitanja nasljedstva, a posebno u tumačenju Ammarove smrti u bici na Siffinu.[19][20][21][22]

Uloga nakon Muhammedove smrti

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Pod Omerom, postao je guverner Kufe, međutim kasnije je smijenjen sa vlasti.[23]

Tokom izbora Osmana ibn Affana od strane šure i prije njegovog konačnog svrgavanja, Ammar je upozoravanjem predvidio nadolazeći sukob ako bilo ko osim Alije bude izabran i rekao: "Ako ne želite da izazovete spor među muslimanima, morate dati zakletvu odanosti Aliji".[24] Ammarov odnos sa Osmanom se pogoršao; iako su detalji njihovog neprijateljstava diskutabilni.[25][26]

Bitka kod deve

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Prije događaja vezanih za bitku kod deve, postavljena je šura (vijeće koje bira halifu) u pokušaju da se odluči o nasljedniku nakon Osmanove smrti;[27] na ovom sastanku, prisutni se nisu složili oko toga da li je odmazda za Osmanovo ubistvo neophodna ili ne. Neki izvještaji navode da je Ammar rekao da ne bi trebali tražiti osvetu.[27] Također se navod da je Ammarovo ponašanje na ovom sastanku ukazivalo na njegovu želju da spriječi Talhu od osvajanja moći jer je Talha bio za traženje odmazde. Ammar to ne bi želio jer je "bio najaktivniji u podsticanju pobunjenika na akciju".[27]

Kako se bitka razvijala, Ammar je nastavio da pokazuje svoju podršku Aliji na više načina. Ali ga je prvo poslao zajedno sa Hasanom u Kufu kako bi pokušao okupiti Kufane da pomognu tokom predstojeće bitke.[27] Prema jednom izvještaju, Ammar je po dolasku ispitan zbog učešća u Osmanovom ubistvu; međutim, nastavio je da pokušava da uvjeri guvernera, Ebu Musu, da zauzme stav umjesto da ostane nepristrasan u sukobu.[28] Prema istom izvještaju, Musa je nagovarao Kufane da ostanu neutralni jer nije želio sudjelovati u međumuslimanskim borbama, a također je vjerovao da muslimanska zajednica još uvijek duguje svoju vjernost Osmanu jer nije imenovan novi nasljednik. Dodatni prijenos istog događaja ne spominje Ammarove akcije protiv Osmana i umjesto toga se fokusira na njegove namjere da potakne Ebu Musu na akciju.[28][29] Tokom bitke, Ammar se borio na Alijinoj strani. Prema ovom izvještaju kaže se da Zubejru saznanje da se Ammar bori zajedno sa Alijim, uzrokuje strah jer je podsjednut na događaj kada mu je Muhammad rekao, dok su bili u prisustvu Ammara, da će Ammara ubiti "zla grupa ljudi".[18] Na kraju bitke, gdje je Alijina strana odnijela pobjedu, Ali naređuje Ammaru i Muhammedu ibn Ebu-Bekru da uklone Aišu sa njene deve i odvedu je u u Basru;[28] gdje se izvještaji sukobljavaju po pitanju da li su Ammar i Aiša bili u lošim odnosima.

Ammar ibn Jasir je ubijen u bici na Siffinu kao dio Prve Fitne. Ammar zauzima najistaknutiju poziciju među muslimanima.[30][31][32] Nakon Muhammedove smrti, Ammar je ostao vjeran Aliji i šiitski muslimani ga nazivaju jednim od četiri ashaba.[33] Muslimani smatraju da je Ammarova konačna sudbina jedinstvena među sudbinama Muhammedovih ashaba, jer njegovu smrt u bici na Siffinu doživljavaju kao odlučujuću razliku između grupe pravednih i griješnih u Prvoj Fitni.

Kada je Ammar umro, Muavija ga je nazvao "jedan od Alijine dvije desne ruke", dok je druga bika Malik el-Aštar. Muavija je rekao svojim sljedbenicima nakon što je ubio drugog odanog pratioca Alije, Malika, : „Ali b. Ebu-Talib je imao dvije desne ruke. Jedna od njih je posječena na Siffinu, to jeste Ammar b. Jasir, 'i druga danas', što znači El-Aštar."[27] Uprkos Muavijinim provokacijama, Alija, tadašnji halifa, je ipak visoko cijenio podršku Ammara i Malika. Alija je duboko tugovao Ammarovu smrt.[34]

Ammarov hram je prije uništenja bio često posjećivali i muslimani su mu odavali mu počast.[35]

Također pogledajte

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  1. ^ Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi: "Ammar and his parents were amongst the first converts to Islam. His father Yasir was from the tribe of Qahtan in Yemen. He, together with his two brothers, came to Mecca in search of a lost brother. His brothers returned to their homeland; but Yasir stayed in Mecca where he entered into a covenant with Abu Hudhayfah (from the tribe of Bani Makhzum), and married his slave-girl, Sumayyah bint Khayyat. Yasir and Sumayyah begot two sons, 'Abdullah and 'Ammar, who according to the custom of Arabia, were considered the slaves of Abu Hudhayfah".
  2. ^ Kamran Shahid Ansari: "Ammar bin Yasir was one of the early reverts to Islam and belonged to Banu Makhzum tribe. He was born in the year of Elephant in Makkah and was one of the intermediaries in the Messenger of Allah’s (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) marriage to Khadija bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her). His father Yasir (may Allah be pleased with him) was from Yemen and migrated to Makkah and settled down there by marrying Sumayya (may Allah be pleased with her), a slave woman. Earlier they were slaves to Abu Huzaifa, but upon his death Abu Jahl, one of the staunchest enemies of Islam took them over as slaves. Ammar, aware of the extraordinary qualities and impeccable character of the Messenger of Allah, did not take much time to revert to Islam" Radiance Viewsweekly, Ammar Bin Yasir (May Allah be pleased with him), by Kamran Shahid Ansari, retrieved on 15 Dec. 2014
  3. ^ "Ammar’s parents Yassir and Summaya also accepted Islam on the very same day due to a dream Yassir had the previous night. He dreamed that Ammar and his wife were calling to him from a garden from across a valley divided by fire. The whole family accepted Islam and drew the notice and hatred of one of the chieftains of Quraish, Abu Jahl", The Companions of Prophet Muhammad: Ammar ibn Yassir, retrieved on 27 January 2017
  4. ^ a b Muhammad ibn Ishaq.
  5. ^ Ashraf, Shahid (2004). Encyclopaedia Of Holy Prophet And Companion (Set Of 15 Vols.) (jezik: engleski). Anmol Publications Pvt. Limited. ISBN 978-81-261-1940-0.
  6. ^ a b Ash-Shannâwi, A.A.; Ahad, A. (2004). وزراء حول الرسول (jezik: arapski). Darussalam. str. 123. ISBN 978-9960-899-86-2. Pristupljeno 17. 2. 2015. 'Ammar took part in all of the battles that occurred during the Prophet's lifetime. And even after the Prophet's death, 'Ammar continued to fight in the way of Allah until the very end; after all, the Prophet foretold that he was to die during battle, at the hands of a transgressing faction. Al-Fia'atul-Baghiyyah, or "the transgressing faction", refers to a specific meaning; when two Muslim groups fight against each other, the group that is in the wrong is referred to as being "the transgressing faction". Whenever there was a call to fight the enemies of Islam, 'Ammar bin Yasir did not tarry, but instead hurried to join the ranks of the Muslim army - and so it was for him during the battles of the apostates, which occurred during the caliphate of abu bakr. 'Ammar left with the army of Khalid bin Al-Walid. They were to fight the army of Musailamah bin Habib, who was known by the title, "the Liar". Musailamah apostatized by claiming to be a prophet, and his people followed him, not so much because they believed him, but more from a sense of tribal pride. During the early stages of the battle, the Muslims were losing, and when the situation looked grim, 'Ammar bin Yasir stood on top of a stone and called out as loudly as he could: "O Muslims, is it from Paradise that you are fleeing? I am 'Ammar bin Yasir ... gather around me". He then rushed with his horse into the heart of the enemy's army, advancing with no intention of retreating. 'Abdullah bin 'Umar later said, "I saw 'Ammar bin Yasir on the Day of Al-Yamamah (the said battle) fighting intrepidly and skillfully. And I saw his ear; it had been cut off and was making a sound (perhaps as it was dangling)". After the Muslims were victorious in the battles of the apostates, 'Ammar did not return home to safety, but instead marched to the front lines of Ash-Sham, remaining a dependable and brave fighter.
  7. ^ Syed A. A. Razwy, A Restatement of the History of Islam & Muslims C.E. 570 to 661, pages 91 & 552, Google Books, Retrieved on 27 Feb 2014
  8. ^ Ibn Ishaq/Guillaume p. 143.
  9. ^ a b c d e Ibn Saad/Bewley vol.
  10. ^ Ibn Ishaq/Guillaume p. 145.
  11. ^ Sadruddin Sharafuddin al-Amili, Ammar Ibn Yasir - A Companion of the Prophet('s) @, Chapter 7: Such is the World, Retrieved on September 21, 2015
  12. ^ Kohlberg, Etan (July–September 1975). "Some Imami-shi'i Views on Taqiyya". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 95 (3): 395–402. doi:10.2307/599351. JSTOR 599351.
  13. ^ Muhammad ibn Saad.
  14. ^ Ibn Ishaq/Guillaume p. 148.
  15. ^ Martin Lings, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, pages 138–139
  16. ^ Sahih Bukhari 1
  17. ^ Khān, M.M. (1994). Summarized Sahih Al Bukhari (Large) (jezik: indonezijski). Darussalam. str. 181. ISBN 978-9960-732-20-6. Pristupljeno 14. 9. 2023.
  18. ^ a b Muhammad ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah.
  19. ^ Ammar Ibn Yasser' shrine is violated, Islam Times, retrieved on 13 Apr 2014
  20. ^ Mohammadi, Adeel (2016). "The Ambiguity of Maternal Filiation (nasab) in Early and Medieval Islam". The Graduate Journal of Harvard Divinity School (11): 52–68.
  21. ^ The Encyclopaedia of Islam. I. H. A. R. Gibb, P. J. Bearman (2nd izd.). Leiden: Brill. 1960. str. 448–449. ISBN 90-04-08114-3. OCLC 399624.CS1 održavanje: others (link)
  22. ^ "Ammar bin Yasir". (jezik: engleski). 22. 1. 2013. Pristupljeno 24. 9. 2021.
  23. ^ Al-Tabari, The History of al-Tabari Vol.
  24. ^ Ammar ibn Yasir: "If you do not want to cause a dispute among the Muslims, you have to give the pledge of allegiance to Ali".
  25. ^ "'Ammar ibn Yasir belonged to the camp of Ali, and when Uthman was chosen as the Caliph 'Ammar offered him his allegiance like the other Muslims, but he was not happy with the caliphate of Uthman. In course of time 'Ammar's opposition to Uthman increased", Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - 'Ammar bin Yasir Arhivirano 6. 5. 2019. na Wayback Machine, retrieved on 26 January 2017
  26. ^ Islam Q & A, Doubts about the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them) and a response to those doubts, retrieved on 24 December 2018
  27. ^ a b c d e Madelung, Wilferd (1997). The Succession to Muhammad a Study of the Early Caliphate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. str. 95–96, 142, 166–167, 215, 226, 229–230, and 234.
  28. ^ a b c al-Tabari (1997). Ehsan Yar-Shater (ured.). The History of al-Tabari vol. 16. Trans. Adrian Brockett. Albany: State University of New York. str. 23, 31, 32, 64–70, 68, 69, 88, 89, 94, 95, 128, 129, 130, 131, 156–158, 171, and 172.
  29. ^ Tayob, Abdelkader I. (1999). "Tabari on the Companions of the Prophet: Moral and Political Contours in Islamic Historical Writing". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 119 (2): 206. doi:10.2307/606105. JSTOR 606105.
  30. ^ Prophet Muhammad (warning Khalid ibn al-Walid): "Whoever makes an enemy of Ammar, Allah makes an enemy of him; whoever hates ʻAmmār, Allah hates him; whoever curses ʻAmmār, Allah curses him; whoever belittles ‘Ammar, Allah belittles him; and whoever disparages ‘Ammar, Allah disaparages him," ‘Abdul-‘Aziz As-Shanawi, The Ministers around the Prophet - Page 122, Dar-us-Salam (2004), Retrieved on 2 Mar 2014
  31. ^ Prophet Muhammad: "‘Ammar is with the truth and the truth is with ‘Ammar. He turns wherever the truth turns"; "ʻAmmār is as near to me as an eye is near to the nose. Alas! a rebellious group will kill him".
  32. ^ Imam Ali (deeply saddened while and openly weeping in commiserating Ammar Bin Yassir's martyrdom in the Battle of Siffin): "Any Muslim, who doesn't consider the event of ʻAmmār's being killed to be great, and doesn't treat it to be a painful tragedy, won't be recognized to be adult and mature. May Allah bless ʻAmmār on the day on which he embraced Islam, the day on which he was killed and the day on which he will rise from earth once again! I saw ʻAmmār at such a position that if the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) were reckoned to be four he was the fourth and if they were five he was the fifth and none of the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) doubted this. Paradise has become essential for ʻAmmār and his entitlement to Paradise did not depend on one or two instances [only]. (The Imam [then] took Ammar’s head and put it in his lap and recited): O death who does not leave me, relieve me, for you have destroyed all friends! I see that you are aware of those whom I love as if that you walk towards them with a guide!", The life of Imam Al-Hasan al-Mujtaba by Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi and translated by Jasim al-Rasheed, Chapter XI - At Siffin, Retrieved on 31 May 2014
  33. ^ Photos: Blast at the Holy Shrine of Prophet Muhammad's Companions 'Ammar Yasir' Denied, AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA), Retrieved on 23 Feb 2014
  34. ^ Sayed Ali Asgher Razwy: "When Ali heard that Ammar was killed in action, he recited the 156th verse of the 2nd chapter of Al-Qur’an al-Majid as follows: 'We are for God, and toward Him is our return.' Ammar's death was a terrible shock to Ali. They had been friends since the days when Ammar and his parents were tortured by the Quraysh for accepting Islam, and their friend, Muhammad, comforted them. But Muhammad himself had, long since, parted company with them. Now Ammar also left this world, leaving Ali alone. Ali was overwhelmed by sorrow and by an awful feeling of “lonesomeness”. Ali and his friends said the funeral prayer for Ammar ibn Yasir, the friend of Allah, the companion of Muhammad, and the Martyr of Siffin, and gave him burial. Just like his two friends, Muhammad and Ali, Ammar had also fought the Quraysh all his life. Earlier, the Quraysh had killed his parents, and now they killed him. Each of the three Yasirs’ had won the crown of Martyrdom. Ali's sorrow at Ammar's death was matched by Muawiya's exultation. The latter often said that Ammar was one of the two arms of Ali (the other arm being Malik ibn Ashter), and he boasted that he had severed that arm".
  35. ^ The Washington Times: "As important figures in Islamic history, the attack on the shrines of these figures will likely be viewed as an affront to the Shiite Muslims who typically perform pilgrimages at the memorial. While Sunni Muslims view the two personalities favorably, they typically avoid attending or visiting shrines of any revered figures, believing the practice to be an 'innovation' and thus sinful. Despite this, multiple Sunni groups have expressed anger at the attack", The Washington Times - HUSAIN: Attack on Shiite shrines in Syria may result in a dramatic rise in tensions, Retrieved on 21 May 2014