Our Farmhouse

The Design-Build of our Farmhouse. The floorplan resembles old style architecture, with windows & doors aligned to let the breeze through. Stained glass transoms, 10 foot ceilings, large porches, sunroom, bay windows, antique doors & antique stove give the feel of an older home. Modern=solid pour basement walls, 6" stud walls, HVAC, electrical, high speed internet, and concrete siding, concrete walkways & drive, to save on maintenance. Barns, fencing & the projects never end!
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Barn Build. This is NOT a Pole Barn. It is built with standard foundation and framing, just like a house.
New 'Barn Build'. I designed. Husband and friends helped.
Interesting flowers. Button Bush. Bees love it.
Pretty vine-a volunteer.
Tulip Poplar grows fast and gets pretty yellow flowers, that face up. Planted this one down the slope a little, so we can see the flowers from the house. This was a starter tree.
Dogwood starts. Wouldn't get rich growing these!
Finished fencing makes for another pasture!
Sometimes you need to take a break.
What...another farm cat? He sure looked thin. I guess I'll call him Sam. One thing's for sure...he doesn't seem to know how to hunt.
The rare snowfall. No shovel needed!
Soapstone...the roots actually were used to make a type of soap...I guess that would be in the 'Olden Days'