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14 Pins
Colorplan on Instagram: “Blind embossed typographic design onto Colorplan Mist by @camelliaandco.” |
@colorplan_papers posted on their Instagram profile: “Blind embossed typographic design onto Colorplan Mist by @camelliaandco.”
Invitations Cartier - Gaufrage, Marquage à chaud, Création graphique, Invitation, Dossier de presse
Cartier « l'Odyssée de Cartier » - Créanog, Studio de création, Bureau de fabrication, Atelier de gaufrage et marquage à chaud à Paris
Fashion Walk CNY Pocket 2014
Fashion Walk CNY Pocket 2014 by Ken Lo, via Behance #kenlo #fashion
This Lucky Envelope Comes With a Beautiful Patterned Approach
Fly High Red Packets
Fly High Red Packets on Packaging of the World - Creative Package Design Gallery
Nikko am red packet design
Nikko am red packet design on Behance