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In ES6 spec, template site objects are strongly referenced by the realm.[[templateMap]]. So naive implementation leaks memory because it keeps all the site objects in the realm. However, we can alleviate this situation. Because template site objects are frozen completely, it behaves as if it's a primitive value. It enables the implementation to reference it from the realm weakly. When all disclose
ECMAScript 6.0が完成、ECMAが仕様書公開。「ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification」として 標準化団体のECMA Internationalは、いわゆるJavaScriptの最新仕様でECMAScript 6.0として策定中だったECMAScriptの仕様を「ECMA-262 6th Edition, The ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification」として承認したことを明らかにしました。 完成したECMAScript 6の仕様書は、PDFとHTMLで公開されています。 ECMAScript 6では、これまでプロトタイプベースのオブジェクト指向言語とされてきたECMAScriptにクラス機能が導入され、クラスを簡単に扱えるようになりました。また、引数の数が可変になるRest Parameters、関数
=============== SIMD.js has been taken out of active development in TC39 and removed from Stage 3, and is not being pursued by web browsers for implementation. SIMD operations exposed to the web are under active development within WebAssembly, with operations based on the SIMD.js operations. With WebAssembly in advanced development or shipping in multiple browsers, it seems like an adequate vehicl
4. ● id: tyage ● 京大工学部情報学科3回 ● JavaScriptとか書いてる ● 趣味 ○ 脆弱性報告 ○ CTF 司会担当
Check out my book (free online): “Exploring ES6”. Updated version of this blog post: chapter “Maps and Sets”. Among others, the following four data structures are new in ECMAScript 6: Map, WeakMap, Set and WeakSet. This blog post explains how they work. Map # JavaScript has always had a very spartan standard library. Sorely missing was a data structure for mapping values to values. The best you c
JavaScript, ECMA–262, TC39, and ECMAScript Transpilers Explained IntroductionWhat is JavaScript? There are many correct answers to this question, but I think the most modern, succinct, and accurate answer is that JavaScript is the implementation of the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is similar to HTML and CSS in that they are all implementations of a very well-defined specification. I would
Statically typed JavaScript via Microsoft TypeScript, Facebook Flow and Google AtScript Update 2014-11-18: Facebook Flow has been released as open source. Its website is The site mentions plans for Flow’s future. This blog post looks at three initiatives for adding static typing to JavaScript: Microsoft’s TypeScript, Facebook’s Flow and Google’s AtScript. Typing # Let’s first clarif
Webの仕様 ウェブの仕様といえば、W3CやWHATWG、IETFとかが思い浮かぶかもしれません。 これらの仕様が最近ではメーリングリストやIRCといった旧来のところだけではなく、GitHub上で議論されて策定が進められている事が増えています。(両方使ってるという話) この記事はそのような方法で進められてる仕様等についての紹介です。 * 自分自身はそこまで仕様に対して強い興味があるわけではないので、もっと詳しい方が正しくまとめて頂きたいです。。 最初にMove The Web Forward | Guide to getting involved with standards and browser developmentを見ておくといいかもしれません。 JavaScriptの仕様 この動きが多く見られるのがJavaScript(ECMAScriptやDOM APIを含む)周りの仕様につい
The ECMAScript 6 specification, while still in draft form, brings the promise of many exciting new tools to add to the JavaScript programmer’s belt. New classes such as Set and Map offer native solutions to working with specific types of collections, and the for...of statement provides an elegant alternative to traditional ways of iterating over data. Sets offer a way of keeping track of a collect
Allen Wirfs-Brock, editor of the ECMAScript 6 specification, recently mentioned on Twitter that the schedule for ECMAScript 6 has changed slightly. The changes # This is the content of Wirfs-Brock’s tweets: TC39 has decided to move the formal publication date of the ECMAScript 6 standard to June 2015. Work for ECMAScript 7 continues on schedule. The extra time is for more implementation feedback
ECMAScript tools composable modules and transpiler infrastructure Yusuke Suzuki (a.k.a Constellation) self introduction ECMAScript engine iv / lv5 (written in C++) owner Esprima committer Escodegen owner Esmangle owner background ECMAScript everywhere ECMAScript is now widely used client side server side databases And ECMAScript tools are also developed widely ECMAScript tools tools UglifyJS closu
technical and social progress toward ECMAScript 6 at facebook Ben Newman (Facebook) NodeJS @ Pivotal Labs 19 March 2014 { github, twitter, instagram, facebook }.com/benjamn Wikipedia We have the opportunity, as technologists, to make certain kinds of problems disappear forever. “We should have been doing it this way all along!” GitHub is strewn with better ways of doing thi
はじめに この記事は、 JavaScript/ES6 promisesについてを理解するために読んだ方がよいと思われる記事やスライド等を紹介しています。 PromisesやDeferredといった言葉を非同期処理の話などで聞いた事があるかもしれませんが、 現在Promisesは次のECMAScriptの言語仕様として策定が進められています。 ECMAScript Language Specification ECMA-262 6th Edition – DRAFT domenic/promises-unwrapping まだES6は策定段階ですが、既にPromisesについてはpolyfillとして利用できるライブラリ等もあり、また他のライブラリ内でもjQuery.Deferred()やAngularの$q等類似する実装が存在します。 そのため、Generators等に比べると今すぐ使える
I wrote up a quick guide to the terminology around ES6’s iteration-related concepts, plus some notes and other resources. Definitions An iterator is an object with a next method that returns { done, value } tuples. An iterable is an object which has an internal method, written in the current ES6 draft specs as obj[@@iterator](), that returns an iterator. A generator is a specific type of iterator