TheFork is the leading online restaurant booking and discovery platform in Europe and Australia. Discover more than 60,000 of the best dining spots across London, Paris, Barcelona, Sydney and many more with our unrivalled selection of restaurants for whatever you want. Search for restaurant availability at any time and at the best price. With over 20 million verified reviews to guide you, you can
工程案例丨成都水印城明装暖气片施工案例业主杨先生是从新疆回到四川的,冬天成都家里没々有暖气片,显得格外不适应。尤其是老伴在没有暖气片的家里格外受不了。第一年回成都∞的冬天,只能在海南过年,现在找到我们温暖舒适家给家里装上了一套暖气片,由于已经房屋装修好,只能安装明装暖气片了。经过与杨☆先生的洽谈,我们公司为他量身定制了相应的方案,确定无误后签订了合同。之后我司派工程师傅前往安装暖气片。项目面积:128�O项目名称:明装暖气片(5组暖气片+1组... 工程案例丨橙郡三期明装暖气片施工案列项目情况:俩室俩厅项目名称:明装暖气片项目地址:橙郡三期五栋面积:60.3平方项目概述:业主向女士的房屋制热面积为67平方,平常父亲常年居住,因为房子是精装房因此用户选择了明装暖气片,在不破坏装修的情况下进行施工∑机型配置锅炉:采用菲斯曼22kw壁挂炉(德国合资)使用方便快捷,温暖安全美观时尚 散热器:英国
Menu Connect Make sure diners can find you SinglePlatform is now Menu Connect — and it can help you get discovered by people who are searching in your area for restaurants just like yours. Your menu is the deciding factor for hungry diners: 93% of consumers check menus online before they choose a restaurant. And thanks to Menu Connect, you can upload a searchable menu that you can easily update an
Nowait joins Yelp In 2016, we partnered with Yelp to connect tens of millions of consumers to our restaurant partners. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Yelp has acquired Nowait. Together, we’ll make even bigger strides in the restaurant industry by allowing guests to go more quickly from search and discovery, to dining at our partner restaurants. The Wait is Over Join restaurant waitlists w