ReSwift is a Redux-like implementation of the unidirectional data flow architecture in Swift. ReSwift helps you to separate three important concerns of your app's components: State: in a ReSwift app the entire app state is explicitly stored in a data structure. This helps avoid complicated state management code, enables better debugging and has many, many more benefits... Views: in a ReSwift app y
100% Flux A true flux compliant library in a very small size. Actions are fire and forget, stores have no setters, you get constants, and Flux's single dispatcher. Server Side Rendering Alt comes with support for building Isomorphic JavaScript applications right out of the box. Snapshots At any point in time you can take a snapshot of the entire application state and then reload it later. This ope
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Idiomatic, modular, testable, isomorphic Flux. No singletons required. $ npm install --save flummox Join the #flummox channel of the Reactiflux Slack community. API documentation Quick start guide React integration guide Features No singletons = isomorphism for free! Robust yet minimal API inspired by React and ES6 Tiny. ~3.8kb (compressed and gzipped). The dispatcher and constants are implementat
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#Fluxy An implementation of Facebook's Flux architecture. ##Introduction The Facebook / React team has an introduction to Flux included with the React documentation. Distilled to its core, Flux reimagines the traditional MVC approach to client-side webapps, replacing it with the same concept of "one-way data flow" that powers React. While the Facebook documentation (and accompanying video) do an e
Delorean.js A completely agnostic JavaScript framework to apply Flux concepts into your interfaces easily.Get DeLorean.js View on GitHub Read Tutorial API Docs docs & examples What is Delorean.js? DeLorean is a tiny Flux pattern implementation. Unidirectional data flow, it makes your app logic simpler than MVC, Automatically listens to data changes and keeps your data updated, Makes data more cons
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自己紹介 Name : Takuto Wada github : twada twitter : t_wada hatena : t-wada TDD とライオンの人 power-assert の人 React / Flux を知ったきっかけ mizchi さんのエントリ (あなたがReactを使うべき理由) だったと思う 日本語の情報はほとんど無かったが、エッジ系の人たちが騒ぎ出した & 海外で圧倒的に事例が増え出したので興味を持った Rendr の AirBnb が React を使い始めたことを知り、これは決定的だと思った React をどう勉強したか 公式ドキュメントとチュートリアルが充実している まず Tutorial をそのまま写経 次に browserify + reactify で Tutorial をもう一周やってみる (showdownはbrowserify 対応してい