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What you need to know about this book This book is about ECMAScript 6 (also called ECMAScript 2015), a new version of JavaScript. Audience: JavaScript programmers In order to understand this book, you should already know JavaScript. If you don’t: my other book “Speaking JavaScript” is free online and teaches programmers all of JavaScript (up to and including ECMAScript 5). Why should I read this b
A whirlwind tour of the Swift programming language Swift is a wonderful language that gives you an easy entry-point into the Apple developer ecosystem. If you've been put off developing for OS X and iOS because of the need to learn Objective-C, now is the time to start. Swift offers a relatively smooth transition from languages like Ruby and Python. This short book offers you a whirlwind tour of S
Want a paper copy? You can now buy the book! All royalties go to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Spotted an error? Have comments? Let us know! Follow @mbmlbook Get hands on with source code for the book. How can machine learning solve my problem? As machine learning researchers, there’s a question that we get asked in some form almost every day: “How can machine learning solve my problem?” In this book
by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe This is a gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders. Contents About this book Getting started What is a shader? “Hello world!” Uniforms Running your shader Algorithmic drawing Shaping functions Colors Shapes Matrices Patterns Generative designs Random Noise Cellular noise Fractional brownian motion Fractals Image
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| 書籍紹介 | サイトの目的 | ダウンロード | 更新情報 | 謝辞 | お問い合わせ | 書籍紹介 Git は、 Linux カーネル開発のために Linus Torvalds さんが2005年に公開した分散型バージョン管理システムです。スタートアップのような小規模組織からGoogle、 IBM のような巨大企業で、また数多くのオープンソースプロジェクトで利用されています。現在の Git 開発は、濱野純さんを中心としたコミュニティによって非常に活発に行われています。 本書 Pro Git は、2009年に Apress から初版が、2014年に第2版が出版された、Git の解説書です。著者の Scott Chacon さんは、GitHub 社の CIO、Git のエバンジェリストであり、Git 公式サイトの管理者でもあります。 本書の内容は、出版以降も有志により頻繁に更新されており、
The Algorithm Design Manual, 3rd Edition Steven Skiena This newly expanded and updated third edition of the best-selling classic continues to take the "mystery" out of designing algorithms, and analyzing their efficacy and efficiency. Expanding on the first and second editions, the book now serves as the primary textbook of choice for algorithm design courses while maintaining its status as the pr
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