The first half challenges the audience with questions as to why unikernels have been cropping up lately and the second half covers Go unikernels.
I believe Docker is 2 steps forward for the world of DevOps and that the principles it promotes are forward-thinking and largely on-target for the future of a more secure, performant, and easy-to-manage cloud future. However, an alternative approach leveraging unikernels and immutable servers will result in smaller, easier to manage, more secure containers that will be simpler to adopt by existing
What are unikernels? Unikernels are specialised, single-address-space machine images constructed by using library operating systems. Unikernels shrink the attack surface and resource footprint of cloud services. They are built by compiling high-level languages directly into specialised machine images that run directly on a hypervisor, such as Xen, or on bare metal. Since hypervisors power most pub
DockerがUnikernelを買収。1秒以下で起動しハイパーバイザで安全に分離されるUnikernelが新たなコンテナの仲間入り Dockerが急速に支持を得ている大きな理由の1つは、Dockerが提供するコンテナが軽量で迅速に起動する点にあります。 その軽量さや迅速な起動をコンテナ型仮想化ではなく、ハイパーバイザを用いた従来の仮想化で実現するのがUnikernelです。 そのUnikernelの開発を行っているUnikernel Systems社の買収を、Docker社が発表しました。 アプリケーションに最適化されたUnikernel Unikernelとは、ターゲットとなるアプリケーションのコードと、その実行に必要な機能以外を徹底的にそぎ落としたOSとを合わせて1つにビルドしたものです。 ターゲットとなるアプリケーションのソースコードごとにビルドされるため、Unikernelはアプ
Recently, I made the mistake of rhetorically asking if I needed to spell out why unikernels are unfit for production. The response was overwhelming: whether people feel that unikernels are wrong-headed and are looking for supporting detail or are unikernel proponents and want to know what the counter-arguments could possibly be, there is clearly a desire to hear the arguments against running unike
Reading “Unikernels: Rise of the Virtual Library Operating System”
A programming framework for building type-safe, modular systems MirageOS is a library operating system that constructs unikernels for secure, high-performance network applications across a variety of cloud computing and mobile platforms. Code can be developed on a normal OS such as Linux or macOS, and then compiled into a fully-standalone, specialised unikernel that runs under a Xen or KVM hypervi
Unikernel Systems joins Docker 21 January 2016 Unikernel Systems is delighted to announce that it is joining Docker, a dynamic startup that has already revolutionised the way we build, ship and run distributed applications. Docker is uniquely suited to work with Unikernel Systems to drive one of the most significant recent developments in operating systems technology. Working together will allow u
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