Why English is so Hard to Learn! by Hal Dendurent, Catalyst -in Japanese The bandage was wound around the wound.(傷口にバンドエードが巻いてあった) The farm was used to produce produce.(農場は農産物の栽培に使われた) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.(ゴミ捨て場は満杯で、それ以上のゴミはお断りしなくてはならなかった) We must polish the Polish furniture.(ポーランド製家具を磨かねば) He could lead if he would get the lead out.(急ぐなら彼が先でもいい) The soldier deci
Jokes in English for the ESL/EFL Classroom A Project of The Internet TESL Journal Teachers often use jokes in the ESL/EFL classroom to teach culture, grammar and vocabulary. If you know a joke that works well with ESL/EFL students, please submit the joke. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Newest Jokes | Sh
By submitting this form, you agree to receive email communication from Skift and our partners. There is nothing quite like the feeling of walking the streets of Japan for the first time. From the exotic smells of sushi and soba wafting through the air to the blinding neon and crushing urban density of it all, Japan awakens the senses like few countries I know. After awhile however, it all starts t
You know you've been in Japan too long when... you run for the Yamanote line pushing people left and right, jump on the train holding the doors open to let your bag follow you on. Because you know there will not be another one for at least a minute. you bow to other drivers who give you the right of way. you rush onto an escalator, and just stand there. you don't hesitate to put a $10 note into
...you notice you've forgotten how to tie shoelaces. ...you rush onto an escalator, and just stand there. ...you find yourself bowing while you talk on the phone. ...you think US$17 isn't such a bad price for a new paperback. ...you don't hesitate to put a $10 note into a vending machine. ...when you are talking on the telephone to your parents and your father says, "Why are you interrupting my ex