builderscon tokyo 2019 の登壇資料です The system design for exact time.
by Tim Brandall In the past 8 years Netflix has transformed from an English-only product, to now supporting 26 languages and growing. As we add language support for our members residing in 190 different countries, scaling globalization at Netflix has never been more important. Along the way we’ve built out countless solutions to help us achieve globalization at scale. In this article we’ll focus o
How can we build an internationalized React front-end application? With the help of this article, you can learn how to detect the user’s locale, save it in the cookie, let the user change their locale, translate the user interface, and render currencies in their appropriate formats. Also, Yury has you prepared with a list of some traps and issues you might face along the way. First of all, let’s d
2. Summary-1 • Japanese Travel Market • Different points in Japan • Seasonal Demand(Peak season) • High demand in Tokyo and Osaka • Net café and cheap places for young travelers • Customer Insights in global • • • • Price consciousness Connectivity and Communication Flexible Travel Niche • Analysis of web users in Japan • Analysis of hotel booking in Japan • High Demand for Quality from Japanese S
By Jason Katz-Brown Airbnb has hosts in 192 countries, and two-thirds of Airbnb trips cross a country border. Being totally international is not optional for us! Many things contribute to Airbnb growing in a new part of the world: an enthusiastic community of hosts, a natively-translated website and mobile apps, locally relevant search ranking, local payment methods, multilingual customer support,
16 January 2017 Update: In 2015, we first published this case study on Airbnb’s global growth. Now, almost 2 years later, Airbnb is not slowing down anytime soon, with further expansions, acquisitions, and new products in 2016, including the much-hyped Airbnb Trips. With so much growth under its belt, we thought it’d be a good time to take another look at the tactics that first launched Airbnb to
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? 2021.2.11追記:DateTimeクラスは非推奨なクラスになりました DateTimeクラスは非推奨なクラスとなり、DateTimeクラスではなくTimeクラスを使うよう、公式にアナウンスされました。 参考1 But we consider use of DateTime should be discouraged. - matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) 参考2 DateTime は deprecated とされているた
If you have ever tried to write an application that supports multiple languages, I’m sure you will agree that it can be a complicated process. While there are obvious issues, such as translating the text, there are also differing conventions between countries on how things like dates and numbers are formatted, or how letters are sorted. Even just between the different versions of English, there ar
Recently I internationalized a Node/Express web application that I’ve been working on and it seems to have gone fairly well (users in multiple languages are using it happily and I’m seeing a marked increase in traffic because of it!). Not much of what I’m writing up here is particular to Node, per se, just a general strategy for internationalizing a web application. I’ve used enough internationali