F2FS File-System Shows Hope, Runs Against Btrfs & EXT4 Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 18 February 2013 at 12:06 PM EST. Page 1 of 5. 17 Comments. Being released soon is the Linux 3.8 kernel and one of its many new features is the introduction of the F2FS file-system. The "Flash-Friendly File-System" was developed by Samsung and is showing promise as a new Linux file-system designed arou
Information related to commonly used benchmarks and compliance measures for the web Bold means commonly used in media Compliance HTML5Test Targeted for "HTML5 Ready" apps/usage Tests existence of certain APIs but not really compliance; easy to game and being gamed. We disagree that the FileSystem API should be part of this suite, no vendor other than Google implements and they seem to have given u
By now, I suspect you see where we’re headed. FPS isn’t always bad as a summary of performance, but it has some obvious shortcomings due to the span of time involved. One way to overcome this weakness is to look inside the second, as we have just done, at the time it takes to produce individual frames. Doing so isn’t all that difficult. Heck, game developers have done it for years, tuning against
The Google Chrome team recently extended their V8 benchmark suite with five new benchmarks, and renamed it “Octane“. The descriptions page says the following about the new benchmarks. pdf.js. Mozilla’s PDF Reader implemented in JavaScript. It measures decoding and interpretation time (33,056 lines). Mandreel. Runs the 3D Bullet Physics Engine ported from C++ to JavaScript via Mandreel (277,377 li
Google released a new JavaScript benchmark a few days ago called Octane. New benchmarks are always welcome, as they push browsers to new levels of performance in new areas. I was particularly pleased to see the inclusion of pdf.js, which unlike most benchmarks is real-world code, as well as the GB Emulator which is a very interesting type of performance-intensive code. However, every benchmark sui
JetStream 2.2 is a JavaScript and WebAssembly benchmark suite focused on the most advanced web applications. It rewards browsers that start up quickly, execute code quickly, and run smoothly. For more information, read the in-depth analysis. Bigger scores are better.
$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81
アーカイブ開いてREADME的なもの探しても無いし、Webkitのサイトやその周りにも載って無いしでよくわからない、ので調べてみた。ウェブブラウザに搭載されているJavaScript処理系がどんだけやれんのか叩き出してくれるアレです。 http://www2.webkit.org/perf/sunspider-0.9/sunspider.html 3d-cube 元ネタはここ。 前版よりパフォーマンスが落ちるバグの確認の為のコンテンツだったらしい。 回転する立方体の3Dレンダリング。 3d-morph Apple謹製。元ネタはここ?。メッシュ変換。…というのが何を指すのか飲み込めていません。 3d-raytrace Apple謹製。レイトレーシングとも言われる、光の当たり方を視線から追っていく像を描く手法。アルゴリズムは単純ながら、膨大な計算量が必要とされる為、Benchmarkにはもって
TL;DR: Cross-browser comparisons of memory consumption should be avoided. If you want to evaluate how efficiently browsers use memory, you should do cross-browser comparisons of performance across several machines featuring a range of memory configurations. Cross-browser Memory Comparisons are Bad Various tech sites periodically compare the performance of browsers. These often involve some cross
Editor’s note: Check out William Lachance’s post about a new benchmark for measuring mobile browsers, called Eideticker. The full post is included below. A while back, I began work on a new test framework for mobile browsers called Eideticker, which aims to benchmark browsers by capturing them on HMDI video, then running image analysis on the result. I wrote about this in a blog post entitled, “Me
As part of our continuing series on the HTML5 capabilities of new mobile platforms, today we’re taking a look at the new Chrome for Android mobile browser beta. There have been rumors of Chrome for Android for quite some time, and we were encouraged but a little underwhelmed by the stock Android 4 browser. We were hoping that there was more to come. And we didn’t have to wait long. After testing C
The performance of ActionScript3 was quite impressive when Flash Player 9 came out in March 2007. Adobe promised and delivered us at least a 10x speed increase over AS1/AS2. At that time JavaScript performances in the browsers were abysmal. But while few things changed on the AS3 front since that time, the browsers performance dramatically improved. At one point I started to think that JavaScript
Google, July 2011 In order to test LevelDB's performance, we benchmark it against other well-established database implementations. We compare LevelDB (revision 39) against SQLite3 (version and Kyoto Cabinet's (version 1.2.67) TreeDB (a B+Tree based key-value store). We would like to acknowledge Scott Hess and Mikio Hirabayashi for their suggestions and contributions to the SQLite3 and Kyo