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レストラン事業部エンジニアの id:ninjinkun です。 一休レストランでは10年以上動いているシステムをPython 3で書かれた新システム(以下restaurant2)に順次移行する作業を進めています。現在ではPC用のレストランページ や主要な API を含め、いくつかのページがrestaurant2で提供されるようになっている状態です。本記事ではこの移行の経緯と、restaurant2システムの詳細、Pythonを選んだ理由、現在の進捗状況をお伝えします。 経緯 一休レストランはサービスローンチ時よりClassic ASP(言語はVBScript)でシステムが構築されてきました(こちらに驚かれる方も多いと思いますが、歴史的経緯という言葉で強引にまとめて話を先に進めます)。このシステムは現在も一休レストランを支えているのですが、長年の改修による複雑性の増加、言語の古さ、言語機能の
Flask 1.0 Released Posted by David Lord on 2018-04-26 The Pallets team is pleased to release Flask 1.0. The Flask framework has been stable for a long time. A little more than 8 years after the first commit, the version number finally reflects that. 1.0 comes with a significant number of changes representing over a year of work. Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3. The CLI is more flexible. FLA
Flask 0.11 がリリースされた。 Flask 0.11 Released | The Pallets Projects # ちなみにどうでもいいけど、Flask のコードネームは酒の名前 後方互換がいくつかなくなってるので、まとめてみる。 # 漏れがあったら追記する予定 とりあえず自分のプロジェクト生成ツールで作成した Flask project を起動して試してみただけ。 flask.ext.* が非推奨に /tmp/virtualenvs/flask_011/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flask/ ExtDeprecationWarning: Importing flask.ext.cache is deprecated, use flask_cache instead. .format(x=modname), ExtD
written by Armin Ronacher on 2016-05-29 in Releases After a very long, long waiting time Flask finally got a new release. There really was no good reason that there has not been a release in such a long time but unfortunately once things are postponed for too long a certain release anxiety kicks in. In this case this was long tagged as 1.0 but we decided for renaming it to 0.11 and back out some o
Flask (source code) is a Python web framework built with a small core and easy-to-extend philosophy. Why is Flask a good web framework choice? Flask is considered more Pythonic than the Django web framework because in common situations the equivalent Flask web application is more explicit. Flask is also easy to get started with as a beginner because there is little boilerplate code for getting a s
Flask-Classy¶ Flask-Classy is an extension that adds class-based views to Flask. But why? I ❤ Flask. Like a lot. But sometimes projects get a little big and I need some way of managing and organizing all the different pieces. I know what you’re saying: “But what about Blueprints?” You’re right. Blueprints are pretty awesome. But I found that they aren’t always enough to encapsulate a specific cont
Scaling a Flask application is no immediately obvious matter. At we had ~22,000 line Flask application. At my previous employer our Flask application was significantly larger. Ultimately scaling a code-base is less about the framework used and more about the software design experience of the developers working on it. Scaling in terms concurrent users also has little to do with the web fram