🎅 メリークリスマス! ⭐️ SolomakerでHAPPY開発ライフ! 個人開発者が集まるSolomakerで ✨ 開発の知見をシェアして 🤝 仲間とつながって 🚀 2024年の年越ししましょう! 🌟 アイデアから実現まで、あなたの開発ジャーニーを応援します 🎅 Ho Ho Ho! Let's Code Together! 🎮
🎅 メリークリスマス! ⭐️ SolomakerでHAPPY開発ライフ! 個人開発者が集まるSolomakerで ✨ 開発の知見をシェアして 🤝 仲間とつながって 🚀 2024年の年越ししましょう! 🌟 アイデアから実現まで、あなたの開発ジャーニーを応援します 🎅 Ho Ho Ho! Let's Code Together! 🎮
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Packages for Synology NAS SynoCommunity provides packages for Synology-branded NAS devices. Packages are provided for free and made by developers on their free time. See how you can contribute. Bandwidth and content delivery is generously provided and sponsored by . Join us on Discord! Only packages that are modified to be compatible with DSM7 by the associated developers can execute on DSM7.0. If
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❇️ View the official GitHub public product roadmap[^1] Our product roadmap is where you can learn about what features we're working on, what stage they're in, and when we expect to bring them to you. Have any questions or comments about items on the roadmap? Share your feedback via GitHub public feedback discussions. The roadmap repository is for communicating GitHub’s roadmap. Existing issues are
PyCon は、Pythonユーザが集まり、PythonやPythonを使ったソフトウェアについて情報交換し、交流するためのカンファレンスです。 PyCon JP開催を通してPythonの使い手が一同に集まり、他の分野などの情報や知識や知人を増やす場所とすることが目標です。 PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language in Japan. PyCon JP is organized by the Python community for the community. We try to keep registration far cheaper than most comparable techn