ドーナツホール 2024 ハチ 描き下ろし原画 & MV公開 GODIVA × HACHI DONUT HOLE COLLECTION
Disney•Pixar proudly presents the hilarious story of how two mismatched monsters met and became lifelong friends in a movie screaming with laughter and oozing with heart. Ever since college-bound Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) was a little monster, he dreamed of becoming a Scarer – and he knows better than anyone that the best Scarers come from Monsters University (MU). But during his first semeste
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There are 16,777,216 color hex codes. With so many options, how do you choose the right color? The latest research on color perception tells us that somewhere between 40% to 99% of these colors are indistinguishable to the human eye.* Which begs the question: if we can't see the difference between two colors, why should we waste time deciding between them? What if you could easily narrow down the
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企業 ニュース サービス 技術・デザイン 採用 投資家情報 サステナビリティ CyberAgent Way
企業 ニュース サービス 技術・デザイン 採用 投資家情報 サステナビリティ CyberAgent Way
Aligning who you are with what you do is the heart of the Bates experience. Future Students Bates’ unique personality rests on the bedrock values of academic excellence, inclusivity, and social responsibility. Learn More Academic Programs A Bates education fosters intellectual inquiry and reflection, personal growth, and a commitment to the world beyond oneself. Learn More Calendars & Key Dates Ex