Working with was a quick and easy process. We got to speak to multiple real people located in Colorado without having to wait on hold! Our only complaint was we felt we had to overpay more than this particular domain was worth, and we weren't able to negotiate it down to a level that we felt was fair. However, payment and delivery were seamless, and within a few hours we had all of
shun kawakami artist | conductor of design
Latest Projects Gunpowder Suede Studio AKA A Fresh Face In Hell Empire Pianos Current Live Projects Chrissie Hynde Chrissie Hynde - Valve Bone Woe Stebbing Primary School The Pretenders Personal Projects Amazin' Enquiries enqui[email protected]
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Welcome to ILT’s second-quarter roundup of sites that use type well. It may be that not all the sites listed here are to your taste, but it’s hoped that something—even a detail somewhere—will inspire you. Invariably, these lists are subjective, so if you disagree, then feel free to do so in the comments below. If this list provokes discussion of what constitutes good web typography, then all the b
Het voorjaar is de tijd om aandacht te besteden aan de planten in de tuin. De rozenplanten vragen het nodige onderhoud, zodat u in de zomer van een langdurige bloei kunt genieten. Rozen zijn niet moeilijk te houden en je kunt er een zomer lang plezier van hebben. Het planten van rozen Waar moet je […] Lees verder Bodembedekkers zijn hele nuttige, laag groeiende planten. Ze vormen snel een netwerk
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Pulp Fiction - Breakfast With Brett V For Vendetta - V’s Alliteration Superbad - He Looked Like You Anchorman - Sex panther Kill Bill - As Your leader 12 Monkeys - I Would Be Crazy To Escape Super Troopers - Meow Fight Club - Chemical Burn Fight Club - The First Rule… Wedding Crashers - Dating The Breakfast Club - Eat My Shorts Dumb and Dumer - Aspen There Will Be Blood - Milkshake Fear and Loathi
Safariのバージョン3では、スタイルシートを利用して文字のアウトラインを表示できるようになった。スタイルシートで文字をアウトライン化すれば、画像を使わずに文字のデザインの幅を広げることができる。「Safari 3.1でWebフォントを利用する」で紹介したWebフォントが普及すれば、文字のデザインに画像を使う必要は少なくなっていくだろう。 アウトラインのデザインを指定する 文字のアウトラインのデザインは、以下のような-webkit-text-stroke〜というプロパティで指定する。現在のところ、指定できるのはアウトラインの色と太さだ。 アウトラインのデザインを指定するプロパティ プロパティ機能
INKTHIS 3: FACELIFT The Coningsby Gallery, London. Showing: 16th - 20th June, 2008 6.30pm—9.30pm Also showing at The LCB Depot, Leicester. Grand Cinema Complex, Hong Kong. FACELIFT is the 3rd annual exhibition by event curators Inkthis. The project showcases a unique typeface featuring 40 individually crafted letterforms developed by both new and established image makers from across the globe pres