DOMイベントの基礎から、細かい情報まで、最新のDOMイベントの仕様策定状況も含めて、解説しています。Read less
Latest topics > Firefoxと自分の関係を見直す 宣伝。日経LinuxにてLinuxの基礎?を紹介する漫画「シス管系女子」を連載させていただいています。 以下の特設サイトにて、単行本まんがでわかるLinux シス管系女子の試し読みが可能! « リゾット作った Main XPIファイルのパッケージングの仕方を工夫してもあんまり報われないという事が分かった(僕の場合は) » Firefoxと自分の関係を見直す - May 07, 2011 Twitterとかでポロポロこぼしてるのをまとめておきたいと思ったのでまとめることにした。要点だけ先に書いておくと、以下の3点。 Firefoxが世の中に受け入れられてたのは、オープンソースだからでもWeb標準だからでもなく、単純に「無料で手に入り、必要十分な機能を持ってて、ヘビーユーザの使用にも耐えるポテンシャルを持った、良いアプリケーシ
Mozilla Firefox: Development Process Status: Draft This document describes the process by which changes to Firefox source code become a general Firefox release. Firefox has hundreds of millions of users, so some care is in order. Firefox uses a schedule-driven process, where releases take place at regular intervals. That means each release happens regardless of whether a given feature is ready, an
Have you been over hearing people talk about microformats and thought to yourself “what are those?” In this post I provide a quick introduction, and discuss the various ways that microformats are changing the Web. What are microformats? Microformats can be explained in a number of ways, but the easiest way to explain them is to just show an example. Here is my contact information in HTML: <div cla
Previously Part 0: Introduction to Microformats Part 1: Structured Data Chaos Part 2: The Fundamental Types Part 3: Introducing Operator Part 4: The User Interface of Microformat Detection Now that I’ve posted about what microformats are, why the browser should natively detect them, which microformats should be detected, and Mozilla Labs has introduced Operator, it’s time to take a look at how
Laboratories are places where science and creativity meet to develop, research and explore new ideas. Mozilla Labs embraces this great tradition as a virtual lab where people come together online to create, experiment and play with Web innovations for the public benefit. Today we’re calling on industry, higher education and people from around the world to get involved and share their ideas and ex