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Video conferencing isn't something most people get excited about. Until recently, the field has been dominated by the likes of Polycom and Cisco in the enterprise sphere, and Skype and Google Plus picking up the slack in the consumer sphere. Commonly, video conferencing hasn't been done especially well. For the most part Skype stutters and glitches out more than a Max Headroom marathon, even with
Appear provides the technology backbone that production companies, telcos and broadcasters rely on to deliver immersive live media experiences Useful links: Company info: About Appear Job openings: Please see our employment portal Poption × Due to trademark infringement of our property, the video conferencing previously offered on this site no longer available.
Every day millions of people upload videos to Dropbox. Besides wanting their memories safe forever, they also want to be able to watch them at any time and on any device. The playout experience should feel instant, despite the fact that the content is actually stored remotely. Low latency playback of content poses interesting technical challenges because of the three main factors below. 1. Codec d
WATCH MORE: A malevolent glitch threatens to destroy all videogames. OH NO.
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楓蘭さんに指フリ雪歩(眼帯ver)を描いていただきました→user/8991605いつになったら雪歩との関係を祝福してもらえるのだろうか!wもうすぐ雪歩の誕生日ですね!気合いいれないと( ◕◞⊖◟◕)人(◕◞⊖◟◕ )自作のアニマスまいりす~mylist/31792923PS:もじゃさん、因幡少将(美濃亜相P)さん、FC200さん、楓蘭さん、かわいいはせいぎさん、ごはんつぶさん、naさん、どら猫アルクさん宣伝してくださってありがとうございます(/ω\)
A Turing machine is a math concept that show that a few simple rules can be used to solve any computable computation. It is the basis for all of today's computers. My goal in building this project was to create a machine that embodied the classic look and feel of the machine presented in Alan Turings 1937 paper on computable numbers. More information can be found at:
手を洗うとき、歯を磨くとき、顔を洗うとき、ヒゲを剃るときと、1日に何度か鏡の前に立つ機会がありますが、その鏡に映った姿を若いときから老いるまでまとめて、一人の人生を描いた短編映画が「Le Miroir」です。 Le Miroir ムービーはコレ。 Le Miroir on Vimeo 暗い洗面所の電気をつけて…… 踏み台を出してきて…… ひょこっと顔を見せたのは少年ルイ。 今から歯を磨くところです。 歯ブラシを濡らして 顔を上げるとちょっと背が伸びていました 口の中に違和感 乳歯が抜けました 流し台に歯を落としてしまい…… 顔を上げると見事な歯抜け顔 ぬれタオルで顔を拭って…… また成長しました 髪型を気にする年齢になったようです 歯並びを矯正中 ラジオをつけて…… ノリノリです ニキビも気になるお年頃 ひげそりを取り出して…… そろそろヒゲも伸びて
15 minutes of fireworks explode in 15 seconds: was the Big Bay Boom a huge bust or an epic win? A full independence day fireworks show was condensed into 15 exhilarating seconds when a rare system glitch set off all the fireworks from three barges simultaneously here in the San Diego Bay--an embarrassing performance from the show's operator: Garden State Fireworks, a world renowned pyrotechnics c
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With more than a million user submitted recipes and an active user base of 15 million monthly unique users, is the world's largest recipe website, and an essential tool for the 50% of all Japanese women in their 20's and 30's who use the site regularly. The service is built on Rails and is running entirely on AWS in Tokyo, where more than 30 engineers are working in small a
Chanko provides a simple framework for rapidly and safely prototyping new features in your production Rails app, and exposing these prototypes to specified segments of your user base. With Chanko, you can release many concurrent features and independently manage which users see them. If there are errors with any chanko, it will be automatially removed, without impacting your site. Chanko was extra
by 紅い流星 twitter GoogleのトップページでドラゴンクエストIの序曲を演奏してみました。左手はキーボード(白鍵はキーボードで鳴らせる)、右手はキーボードで補えない黒鍵をマウスで演奏しています。たまに右手でキーボードを触っていますが、オシレーターのオクターブシフトのツマミを先にクリックしておく事で矢印キーの上下でオクターブを変えられるようにしています。音が止まっている所がありますが、マウスを動かすとよく音が止まるという困った仕様です。レイテンシもかなりあり、もとのレコーダーは録音時間が短い上に再生する毎に挙動が違うのでDAWに録音しました。実は3声です。 紅い流星 ■twitter ■blog :
require "action_controller/railtie" require "coderay" class TheSmallestRailsApp < Rails::Application config.secret_token = "1780a66b68f2728158a3820af99b696f29285e82d23e9" initialize! routes.draw do root to: 'hello#world' end end run TheSmallestRailsApp class HelloController < ActionController::Base def world render inline: " <!DOCTYPE html> <title>The Smallest Rails App</title> <h3>I am the smalle