はじめに 誰向けか 顧客や自身の部下などにデータサイエンスを説明をしなければならない立場の人 機械学習のアルゴリズムには詳しいけどビジネス貢献ってどうやってやるの?という人 データサイエンスのプロジェクトを管理する人 機械学習やデータサイエンスをこれから始める人 感想 はじめに 下記の書籍を以前(結構時間が経ってしまいました)高柳さんから頂いていましたので感想を書きたいと思います。 評価指標入門〜データサイエンスとビジネスをつなぐ架け橋 作者:高柳 慎一,長田 怜士技術評論社Amazon 遅くなった言い訳としては、「個人としては多くの内容が既知であったこと」が挙げられるのですが、この書籍に書かれている内容が未知であるかあやふやな人にとっては当然非常に有用になっています。そして、何よりもその伝え方(書かれ方)が今になって素晴らしいと実感できたためこのタイミングで書くこととしました。 誰向けか
MOONGIFTはオープンソース・ソフトウェアを紹介するブログです。2021年07月16日で更新停止しました 英語圏に住む人であっても英語のスペルミスをします。むしろ日本人が日本語で文章を書くように、普段ずっと英文を書く中ではスペルミスがたくさんあるでしょう。コードの中でもそんな発見は良く目にするのではないでしょうか。 今回は特にソースコードに特化したスペルミス発見器、misspellを紹介します。 misspellの使い方 misspellはコマンドラインで使えます。ファイルまたはディレクトリを指定するだけです。 $ misspell Blog/ 8.md:19:68: "currenty" is a misspelling of "currently" 2.md:217:34: "unneccesary" is a misspelling of "unnecessary" この手の多く
By Alex Olteanu A data scientist investigates Should you watch a movie? Well, there are a lot of factors to consider, such as the director, the actors, and the movie’s budget. Most of us base our decision off of a review, a short trailer, or just by checking the movie’s rating. There are a few good reasons you would want to avoid reading reviews, or watching a trailer, although they bring much mor
Deep reinforcement learning is poised to revolutionise the field of AI and represents a step towards building autonomous systems with a higher level understanding of the visual world. Currently, deep learning is enabling reinforcement learning to scale to problems that were previously intractable, such as learning to play video games directly from pixels. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are
This blog post will show you how to create your own Serverless Raspberry Pi cluster with Docker and the OpenFaaS framework. People often ask me what they should do with their cluster and this application is perfect for the credit-card sized device - want more compute power? Scale by adding more RPis. "Serverless" is a design pattern for event-driven architectures just like "bridge", "facade", "fac
Twitter user ekse has graciously translated this blog to Chinese. Thanks! TL;DR: By the end of this essay I hope to convince you of the following facts. First, that modern desktop operating systems are anything but. They are bloated, slow, and layered with legacy cruft that still functions only thanks to Moore's Law. Second, that innovation in desktop operating systems stopped about 15 years ago a
Guide Essentials Installation Introduction The Vue Instance Template Syntax Computed Properties and Watchers Class and Style Bindings Conditional Rendering List Rendering Event Handling Form Input Bindings Components Basics Components In-Depth Component Registration Props Custom Events Slots Dynamic & Async Components Handling Edge Cases Transitions & Animation Enter/Leave & List Transitions State
Remember Mastodon? In April 2017, there was a wave of excitement about Mastodon, a federated social network begun in October 2016 by Eugen Rochko, a 24-year old German software engineer, as an alternative to Twitter. Recent news about CloudFlare’s decision to stop providing services to the Daily Stormer has me thinking about decentralized publishing, one possible response to intermediary censorshi
HelenOS features in a single screenshot. The image depicts the HelenOS graphical user interface, networking, filesystems, and a multithreaded, multiprocessor 64-bit kernel in action. The Colorful Prague picture used in the screenshot is a courtesy of Miroslav Petrasko. HelenOS is a portable microkernel-based multiserver operating system designed and implemented from scratch. It decomposes key op
A modern replacement for ls.You list files hundreds of times a day. Why spend your time squinting at black and white text? exa is an improved file lister with more features and better defaults. It uses colours to distinguish file types and metadata. It knows about symlinks, extended attributes, and Git. And it’s small, fast, and just one single binary. Most recent version: v0.10.1, released on Apr