はじめに Python言語サミット2020が4月の15日、16日の2日間で開かれました。これはPython実装の開発者(本家のCPythonに加えてPyPyなども)が集まる会議で、単にプレゼンし合う場というよりは言語本体や標準ライブラリの現状や今後に関する議論をして合意を目指すという会議とのこと。 今年はコロナウイルス蔓延の影響で、ご多分に漏れずオンライン開催となったそうですが、2日間の議題を見るとなかなか興味深いものが並んでいます。 全ての文字列をf文字列にする CPythonのパーサーをPEGベースの物にする (C)Pythonの仮想マシンの形式仕様記述 実装非依存のC言語拡張API CPythonのドキュメンテーション保守の変革 ライトニングトーク pip, PyPI そしてパッケージングに今後何を求める? 「マルチコアPython」プロジェクトの失敗を振り返る Pythonの型導入
In a rather short session at the 2018 Python Language Summit, Larry Hastings updated attendees on the status of his Gilectomy project. The aim of that effort is to remove the global interpreter lock (GIL) from CPython. Since his status report at last year's summit, little has happened, which is part of why the session was so short. He hasn't given up on the overall idea, but it needs a new approac
Benefits for LWN subscribersThe primary benefit from subscribing to LWN is helping to keep us publishing, but, beyond that, subscribers get immediate access to all site content and access to a number of extra site features. Please sign up today! At the 2018 Python Language Summit, Carl Shapiro described some of the experiments that he and others at Instagram did to look at ways to improve the perf
Benefits for LWN subscribersThe primary benefit from subscribing to LWN is helping to keep us publishing, but, beyond that, subscribers get immediate access to all site content and access to a number of extra site features. Please sign up today! Eric Snow kicked off the 2018 edition of the Python Language Summit with a look at getting a better story for multicore Python by way of subinterpreters.