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![『大東亜戦争従軍記 | 東南アジアを転戦した祖父の私的な従軍記です。』へのコメント](https://cdn-ak-scissors.b.st-hatena.com/image/square/bd9916441f33f058f8a1d6688661af9582cc2fdd/height=288;version=1;width=512/https%3A%2F%2Ffanyv88.com%3A443%2Fhttps%2Fb.st-hatena.com%2Fbdefb8944296a0957e54cebcfefc25c4dcff9f5f%2Fimages%2Fv4%2Fpublic%2Fog_image.png)
先日、実家に帰った際に亡くなった祖父の残した戦争時の手記を父が書き起こしたものを見せてもらいました。父がその手記をまとめた時に私はまだ小学生で、全く興味を持たなかったんですが、今見てみるととても面白く、手記の主人公である「俺(祖父)」(昭和十六年当時二十八歳)に感情移入して一気に読み終えてしまいました。 内容は祖父が戦争で大活躍をするわけでもなければ映画で描かれるような戦場に居合わせるわけでもありませんが、(だからこそ孫である私が存在しているわけですが)現地の意外といい加減な雰囲気や食べ物の美味さや匂い、仲間との失敗談などがとても身近に感じられ、それと同時に戦争時の過酷な状況にも驚きました。 祖父は筆まめな人で戦争から戻ってからこれを書いたそうですが、元々他人に見せるものではなかったのか、今読んでも軽い文体で読み易く、このまま消えてしまうのは勿体無いので、たいした量ではないんですが、少しず
[1/12]A military helicopter flies government troops continue their assault on its 105th day of clearing operations against pro-IS militants who have seized control of large parts of Marawi city, southern Philippines September 4, 2017. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco Acquire Licensing Rights MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - Philippine troops fighting Islamic State-linked rebels in a southern city have enc
The Philippines military has teamed up with Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) fighters as it prepares for a final assault against the Maute armed group in the southern city of Marawi. Soldiers were seen mingling freely with several hundred MILF fighters who have joined forces for an assault on fighters on the southern island of Mindanao. The joint operation is the latest tactic by the Philippin
This photo taken on July 22, 2017 shows Philippine Marines taking cover from sniper fire while on patrol at the frontline in Marawi.Ted Aljibe—AFP/Getty Images Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Friday that he is prepared to wait for another year to retake the city of Marawi, parts of which remain occupied by an ad-hoc coalition of Islamist militants, two months after their brazen assault o
Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte answer questions during a press briefing after awarding wounded soldiers, who fight against the insurgents of the Maute group, which has taken over large parts of the Marawi city, during his visit at the military camp hospital in Cagayan De Oro, Philippines June 11, 2017. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco