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How to round decimal numbers with custom precision, set decimal places, using ceil and floor functions
Licon is Lightness and Useful icons with Pure CSS3.Licon is a simple, useful and lightness pack—icon that made with Pure CSS3 by Siamak Mokhtari at FictionTeam in Tehran, Iran. It has both SASS and LESS versions so it can easily be modified and merged into modern projects. It provides all the useful icons for good design without adding any images or fonts. Also you can add effects of Animate.css o
This is a complete tutorial to using LESS with Chrome's DevTools. If you've used Sass with Chrome's DevTools, you'll most likely already be familiar with the concepts introduced here. The Short Version LESS has very recently added support for Source Maps, so this is new and exciting! DevTools mapping means you can view LESS styles for all your relevant CSS. Edit LESS source files within DevTools a
SassやLESSといったCSSプリプロセッサーは市民権を得たと言って良いと思う。しかしそれらCSSプリプロセッサーは開発という段階にのみ利をもたらすもので、今のところはそれ以上ではない。CSSを実際にユーザーに届けるまでには、開発だけではなくレビューとリリースという段階もある。レビューとリリースも確実性を持って効率的に行うためには、CSSポストプロセッサーと総称されるようなツール群が必要になるだろう。 この文書はFrontrend Advent Calendar 2013の4日目への記事として寄稿した。明日は@hilokiさんがスタコラサッサと書くようだ。 目次 CSSポストプロセッサーとは CSSプリプロセッサーの出力するCSS CSS Lint 開発用とレビュー用、リリース用のCSS CSSポストプロセッサーのユースケース ベンダー拡張プリフィックスの付加 Media Queries
Crop.less is LESS powered auto-cropping. Never use redundant images again.Embracing the modern browser's ability to pleasantly render scaled images can dramatically cut down (or even eradicate) the code for creating and keeping track of multiple versions of the same file, all the while removing redundant requests. The idea is to prepare a single image for web use, and use that single file in any c
Overview Developed at Twitter to support our internal styleguide, RECESS is a simple, attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS. Incorporate it into your development process as a linter, or integrate it directly into your build system as a compiler, RECESS will keep your source looking clean and super managable. Tweet Installation Run the following line in your terminal: $ npm inst
Preboot A collection of LESS mixins and variables for writing better CSS from @mdo. Download Preboot View project on GitHub Tweet Introducing Preboot Preboot is a comprehensive and flexible collection of LESS utilities. Its original variables and mixins became the precursor to Bootstrap. Since then, it's all come full circle. After a two-year hiatus, Preboot has been reborn with many of the LESS v
A set of basic mixins for the LESS CSS pre-processor. Most of these mixins focus on consolidating cross-browser prefixes into single, concise declarations. LESS Elements is not an extensive mixin library — just the essentials. See the mixins in actions on the test page. To use: Download the "elements.less" file.Place it in the same folder with your other LESS files.Reference it at the top of your