Pakistan has demolished the compound where US forces killed Osama Bin Laden in the north-western city of Abbottabad. Work began late on Saturday. Bulldozers and pneumatic machinery could be heard as the demolition continued. The al-Qaeda leader was shot dead at the compound in the garrison town on 2 May 2011. He had been hiding there for several years. No official reason for the demolition has bee
The report comes at a sensitive time in Pakistan-Nato relations The Taliban in Afghanistan are being directly assisted by Pakistani security services, according to a secret Nato report seen by the BBC. The leaked report, derived from thousands of interrogations, claims the Taliban remain defiant and have wide support among the Afghan people. A BBC correspondent says the report is painful reading f
A soldier killed in a NATO strike was buried Sunday. The foreign minister said a “deep sense of rage” was felt across Pakistan.Credit...Mohammad Kashif/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images KABUL, Afghanistan — The political fallout from a NATO airstrike in Pakistan that was operated out of Afghanistan and killed at least two dozen Pakistani soldiers became clearer on Sunday, as Pakistan seethed ove
U.S. Was Braced for Fight With Pakistanis in Bin Laden Raid Leon E. Panetta, left, the C.I.A. director, will reportedly talk soon with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha, right.Credit...Alex Brandon/Associated Press, left; Pakistan Press Information Department, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images This article is by Eric Schmitt, Thom Shanker and David E. Sanger. WASHINGTON —
(CNN) 米軍が武装勢力掃討のためパキスタンでの無人機攻撃を強化していることに対し、同国北西部ペシャワルで23日から24日にかけて大規模な抗議集会が開かれた。 集会を率いたのは、元クリケット選手で右派政党「正義行動党」党首のイムラン・カーン氏。閉会に際し、米軍に「無人機攻撃をやめなければ、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)からアフガニスタンへの物資補給路を封鎖する」との最後通告を突きつけた。さらにパキスタン政府に対して、首都イスラマバードへの大規模行進を実施すると警告した。 同党は国会に議員を送り込んでいない小党だが、若者らに広く支持されている。集会には政党や宗派を問わず多数の市民らが参加した。昨年無人機攻撃で父親を失ったという8歳の少年は、「無人機攻撃は私を孤児にした」とのサインを掲げていた。 集会は。南部の港湾都市カラチからアフガニスタンへ向かうNATOの補給ルート2本のうち1本をさえぎる
US officials have provided fresh details about Raymond Davis, the CIA agent at the centre of a diplomatic stand-off in Pakistan, including confirmation that he had worked for the private security contractor Xe, formerly known as Blackwater. They also disclosed for the first time that he had been providing security for a CIA team tracking militants. Davis was attached to the CIA's Global Response S