世界を震撼させた20世紀の衝撃写真 世界を変えてしまうという写真が世の中にはあります。 新聞や雑誌のトップを飾り、人々の脳裏に焼きついて離れません。 ここに集められたのは主に20世紀を中心とした、人の心を動かした有名な写真の数々で、何度か目にしたものも多いとは思います。 それぞれの写真が世界にどんな影響をもたらしたのか、そして写真の背景や、その後の人物たちはどうなったのかに焦点を当てて紹介しています。 ベトコンゲリラの処刑(1968年) この写真は写真家エディ・アダムス(Eddie Adams)によって撮影され、ピューリッツァー賞を受賞した一枚。サイゴン警察が捕虜として捕らえたベトコン(南ベトナム解放民族戦線)の兵士グエン・ヴァン・レム(阮文歛)を、グエン・ゴク・ロアンが路上で射殺するところである。ベトナム戦争のアメリカの介入について世論に大きな影響を与えた。 グエン・ヴァン・レムのことを
Some people might be offended or upset by these images but this isn't my intentions I just want it to be thought provoking and enlightening, and for people to talk about the past and to never forget, because we need to learn from past events other wise we will keep repeating history. If the image has a link it will take you to a video/documentary about the history of the image and the title of th
Vincent Laforet is a Los Angles based Commercial & Fine Art Photographer, Director/DP who sepcializes in aerial photography.
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Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’, keep them dogies rollin’, HYUNDAI! Chung Ju Young may have made millions as the head of South Korea’s largest conglomerate, but deep in his 82-year-old heart he’s always longed to be out on the range. Today he fulfilled that dream, driving 500 head of cattle across the border to help feed people in famine-plagued North Korea, where he was born. “Since I left home I have
These photos were taken at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center site in New York, in September of 2001. They were taken by someone named "Ed" who was allowed into the area by a member of the emergency response crew, at a time when all civilians -- including most journalists -- were forbidden to enter the area. As a result, these photos are among the few close-ups ever taken of the World Trade Cente