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He may have been a fascist pig but getting a huge tattoo of Mussolini on your arm at a public tattoo expo? That takes balls the size of... hang on a second, this guy is a total fucking idiot who deserves to get hep C. Comments/Enlarge | See all I was totally on and seducing the shit out of this chick but when the clock struck midnight my buzz wore off and she saw me for who I really am. Comments/
"Denis Peterson initially emerged as a Photorealist painter. He would soon become widely acknowledged as the primary architect of Hyperrealism." MODERN MET "Peterson's latest hyperreal paintings are metaphoric silent witnesses - quintessential portraitures of salient human beings and incorporeal landscapes." VILLAGE VOICE "Denis Peterson leveraged advancements in realism by mixing the seemingly ob
En la actualidad, tener una presencia en línea es crucial para cualquier negocio o marca. Sin embargo, simplemente tener un sitio web no es suficiente para asegurar el éxito en… En este artículo, exploraremos algunos consejos y estrategias efectivas para ayudarte a mejorar tu salud y bienestar. Alimentación saludable Una dieta saludable es esencial para una vida saludable. Es importante…
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24 hours in the lives of six homeless people in six intenational cities.What would you do if you had no-where to live? No money and no help? In our globalised world homelessness is on the rise. Our teaming megacities have become 'home' to booming numbers of homeless. Plenty of reasons why. This website is about how. How people survive without a home, money or support. Theirs are stories of love, h
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出演:オトノ葉Entertainment、小林すみえ、他 監督・撮影・編集:松本卓也 (シネマ健康会) http://matsumoto-movie.hp.infoseek 出演:オトノ葉Entertainment、小林すみえ、他 監督・撮影・編集:松本卓也 (シネマ健康会) http://matsumoto-movie.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ 解説/ オトノ葉Entertainmentの真冬にリリースの真夏感たっぷりのこの曲。 スペースシャワーTV や MUSIC ON TV でも放映中! ※そのPVの特別ワンカットバージョン! 通常版はこちら http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=v60T004iToM (続き) (一部表示)