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ComputeService compute = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("aws-ec2") .credentials("identity", "credential") .buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class) .getComputeService(); Template template = compute.templateBuilder() .osFamily(OsFamily.UBUNTU) .minRam(2048) .options(inboundPorts(22, 80)) .build(); compute.createNodesInGroup("jclouds", 1, template); BlobStore blobStore = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("aws-s3")
Jaxen is an open source XPath library written in Java. It is adaptable to many different object models, including DOM, XOM, dom4j, and JDOM. Is it also possible to write adapters that treat non-XML trees such as compiled Java byte code or Java beans as XML, thus enabling you to query these trees with XPath too. News XOM 1.1 bundles Jaxen 1.1. Bob McWhirter talked about Jaxen at Software Developm
Jericho HTML Parser is a java library allowing analysis and manipulation of parts of an HTML document, including server-side tags, while reproducing verbatim any unrecognised or invalid HTML. It also provides high-level HTML form manipulation functions. It is an open source library released under the Eclipse Public License (EPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), and Apache Licence. You ar
iText Suite 9.0: New ISO Security Standards Support, Comprehensive Signature Validation, and More! iText Suite version 9.0 introduces a brand-new major version of the iText Core library, and updated Core add-ons. We've finalized the dedicated PDF digital signature validation module, and added support for the ISO/TS 32003 and 32004 standards. Not only that, but we also have new and improved APIs an
「mobylet(モビレット)」は携帯向けWebアプリケーション構築のために特化した、 強力なJavaオープンソースフレームワークです。 「mobylet」を導入することで得られる機能には、次のようなものがあります。 3キャリアの絵文字の表示/入力/変換に対応 3キャリアの絵文字入りメール/添付メール/デコメールの送信に対応 ブラウザサイズに合わせて画像を動的にリサイズ表示 アクセスした端末のUID/GUID/端末プロファイル情報などを取得可能 非常に簡単なGPS/GoogleMapインターフェースを提供 携帯端末のキャリア・機種毎に異なるブラウザ仕様への対応は非常に手間のかかる作業です。 開発者は、PC向けWebアプリケーションのクロスブラウザ対応以上に困ることも多いでしょう。 mobyletは、そんな携帯独自の開発を容易にする機能を提供し、 効率的な携帯向けWebアプリケーションの構築
HTML Parser is a Java library used to parse HTML in either a linear or nested fashion. Primarily used for transformation or extraction, it features filters, visitors, custom tags and easy to use JavaBeans. It is a fast, robust and well tested package. Welcome to the homepage of HTMLParser - a super-fast real-time parser for real-world HTML. What has attracted most developers to HTMLParser has been