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Designing the UI of a mobile app from scratch can be both fun and challenging, especially when it comes to creating the user interface (UI). It can be a time-consuming and arduous task that requires a great deal of attention to detail. To help streamline the design process and get you started on your next project faster, we’ve put together a collection of the best free mobile UI kits. These UI kit
Ultimate Guide to Business Cards: Infographics and Other Resources
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392 cool photoshop gradients ストックしておくと楽できそうなPhotoshop用グラデーション392種類。すでに紹介したものも含まれていますが、多数のグラデーションが紹介されてます。 ちょっとグラデーションを使いたいときにクリック一発で適用できるグラデーションのコレクションです。 あまり入れすぎるとスクロールバーが小さくなりすぎて使いにくい懸念もあるので入れすぎるのも問題かもしれませんが好みの効果を入れておくとよさそうですね。
Both grunge and watercolor effects are really cool and hot in web design industrial. There are a lot of website backgrounds using watercolor effect. Some people may think watercolor and grunge effects are “dirty”, but if you are able to mix the design with these effects, then you will have a beautiful layout which able to give visitors an impressive appearance. So, we decided to share 270+ sets fr