ケイトー研究所ビル(ワシントンD.C.) ケイトー研究所(ケイトーけんきゅうじょ、英: Cato Institute)は、リバタリアン系のシンクタンク。本部はワシントンD.C.。 リバタリアニズムの立場から、「公共政策と政府の役割に関して公に疑問を呈する」かたちで公共政策に「伝統的なアメリカの原理としての小さな政府、個人の自由、市場経済、平和などの拡大のための議論を深める」使命を掲げている。 研究所は1977年カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコでエドワード・クレーン、マレー・ロスバード、チャールズ・コークらにより設立された。研究所の名前は、18世紀の2人の英国人によるジョン・ロックの思想を広めた随筆『ケイトーの手紙』に因み、ロスバードによって命名された。 その後、ロスバードとクレーン、コークとの意見の相違が目立つようになり、1981年にロスバードは研究所を離れた。同じ年に本部をワシントンへ移
Life probably can’t exist on quite as many planets as we once thought The habitable zone around other stars has been defined as the region where liquid water can exist on a planet’s surface, but it takes more than water to support complex life. A team of astronomers has calculated what that means for where we should go looking. When the Kepler Space Observatory launched in 2009, it began to find p
The scenario would go something like this. It’s the year 2051. A decade of drought, crop failure, and famine has killed millions across East Africa, sparking violent clashes over food and water. Similar scenes of death and devastation are playing out in other parts of the globe. In response, an environmental group, or maybe a humanitarian one, or perhaps just some individual with a huge social-med
Summary. Historians and clinicians may someday call this moment “peak content.” In 2019, Americans will consume an average of 12 hours and 7 minutes of digital assets every single day. That’s more time than we spend eating and sleeping. Out of this cloud of mood-altering material emerges a new set of health challenges. One in five Americans is clinically depressed. Tens of millions more suffer fro
To uncover the secrets of humor, researchers crowdsourced the task of turning satirical sentences from The Onion into serious ones. Humor seems to be an inherent part of the human condition. Our ability to smile, laugh, and giggle plays an important role in social situations; that piques the interest of sociologists and anthropologists. But you have to “get” a joke before you can laugh, so humor i
Over the past few months, we’ve documented how the vast majority of AI’s applications today are based on the category of algorithms known as deep learning, and how deep-learning algorithms find patterns in data. We’ve also covered how these technologies affect people’s lives: how they can perpetuate injustice in hiring, retail, and security and may already be doing so in the criminal legal system.
Here’s some breaking fake news … Russia has declared war on the United States after Donald Trump accidentally fired a missile in the air. Russia said it had “identified the missile’s trajectory and will take necessary measures to ensure the security of the Russian population and the country’s strategic nuclear forces.” The White House said it was “extremely concerned by the Russian violation” of a
Summary. Although the ability to manage torrents of data has become crucial to companies’ success, most organizations remain badly behind the curve. More than 70% of employees have access to data they should not. Data breaches are common, rogue data sets propagate in silos, and companies’ data technology often isn’t up to the demands put on it. In this article, the authors describe a framework for
Summary. As a leader, you want the people in your organization to trust you. And with good reason. In our coaching with leaders, we often see that trust is a leading indicator of whether others evaluate them positively or negatively. But how to create that trust, or perhaps more importantly, how reestablish it when you’ve lost it isn’t always that straightforward. By analyzing over 80,000 360-degr
Research: Women Are Winning More Scientific Prizes, But Men Still Win the Most Prestigious Ones Summary. Do women receive the same recognition in science as men? Do they have access to the same incentives? A new study found that while women are indeed winning more prizes, they still lag significantly on prize quality: they win fewer prestigious prizes and less money than men, despite comparable
The overwrought claims—and actual promise—of the next generation of self-managed teams by Ethan Bernstein, John Bunch, Niko Canner and Michael Y. Lee Summary. Most observers who have written about holacracy and other forms of self-management take extreme positions, either celebrating these “bossless,” “flat” work environments for fostering flexibility and engagement or denouncing them as naive e
Summary. Fearless public speaking is about more than combating nerves. It’s about knowing the technique, the art, and the business of public speaking. Start with the idea and why you are the right person to take the stage and deliver this big idea. While it must be a big idea, you need to be able to communicate it in fifteen words or less. Know your audience. Craft your talk with the language that
Summary. It’s normal to underperform on occasion. After all, everyone has a bad quarter — or even a bad year — from time to time. But don’t just sit back and wait for that painful performance review. Be proactive in talking with your manager about missing your goals. In situations like these, the two best ways to preserve your professional reputation is to first, come clean about your underperform
Summary. Tapping the power of AI technologies requires customizing them to your business context. The purpose of your first 1-2 pilot projects is only partly to create value; more importantly, the success of these projects will help convince stakeholders to invest in building up your company’s AI capabilities. When you’re considering a pilot AI project, ask yourself the following questions: Does
Summary. With ever-increasing demands at work, being able to get things done can be a key driver of success. But, the irony is that it can also deter success, because a focus on tasks often comes at the expense of a focus on people. Things like building relationships, inspiring a team, developing others, and showing empathy can fall by the wayside. If you sense that you may be overly task-focused,