はてなダイアリーに書くのがたいへんひさしぶりな気がしますが(あ、はてだじゃなかった)、Xamarin Advent Calendar 8日目のエントリーになります。8日目にして初めて登場です。いやわたし別件で毎日書きたくて走らせているネタがあるので他所までは手が出せず… さて、ここ1ヶ月ばかりMicrosoftとXamarinの提携があって、XamarinまわりのセッションをC#/.NET界隈のいろんなところで聴けるようになったみたいで、わたしとしては自分でその手のものをやる必要が無くなって、ますます身軽になったキモチでいっぱいでございます。 まあ戯言はそのくらいにして、今日はライトな話を書こうと思います。まあわたしはAndroid担当なので、Androidまわりの話です。実のところテキスト量はパないのですが、技術的に掘り下げた話はほとんど無いので、気軽に読めると思います。 最近「Andr
Build Beautiful Apps MFractor is the ultimate .NET MAUI productivity tool. Available for Visual Studio Mac and Windows. Get MFractor Ship more, faster with our hand-tuned XAML editor for MAUI. MFractor spots 90+ XAML issues, includes 100+ XAML refactorings, shows detailed tooltips to give insight into your XAML and includes dozens of code completions to make writing XAML effortless. Save dozens of
Xamarin Forms Labs XLabs is a open source project that aims to provide a powerful and cross platform set of services and controls tailored to work with Xamarin and Xamarin Forms. ##NOTICE: This project is no longer maintained. It may not work with newer versions of Xamarin.Forms. Call for action for all Xamarin Developers, embrace this project and share your controls and services with the communit
Important The Component Store has been discontinued as of May 15, 2018 (this closure was originally announced in November 2017). Xamarin Components are no longer supported in Visual Studio, and should be replaced by NuGet packages. Follow the instructions below to manually remove component references from your projects. Refer to these instructions for adding NuGet packages on Windows or Mac. A lis
Important The Component Store has been discontinued as of May 15, 2018 (this closure was originally announced in November 2017). Xamarin Components are no longer supported in Visual Studio, and should be replaced by NuGet packages. Follow the instructions below to manually remove component references from your projects. Refer to these instructions for adding NuGet packages on Windows or Mac. A lis
Important The Component Store has been discontinued as of May 15, 2018 (this closure was originally announced in November 2017). Xamarin Components are no longer supported in Visual Studio, and should be replaced by NuGet packages. Follow the instructions below to manually remove component references from your projects. Refer to these instructions for adding NuGet packages on Windows or Mac. A lis