2013年02月13日07:00 カテゴリwasting time?医療 アメリカの医療がダメな理由は? Tweet アメリカの平均寿命が短いのは国民の皆保険制度がないからだ。医療が市場原理主義におかされているからだ。なんていうのがありがちな主張だ。でも、それっ て本当にそうなんだろうか?もちろんそういった面があるかもしれないが他の説明もあるかもしれないということを知っておいてもいいだろう。 今日はベッカーとポズナーのブログにこんな記事が出ていた。 Why Does Health in the United States Lag Behind Other Countries’? Becker Most of these categories relate to lifestyle decisions rather than medical care. For example, Americ
WASHINGTON — Just two weeks after pleading guilty in a major federal fraud case, Amgen, the world’s largest biotechnology firm, scored a largely unnoticed coup on Capitol Hill: Lawmakers inserted a paragraph into the “fiscal cliff” bill that did not mention the company by name but strongly favored one of its drugs. The language buried in Section 632 of the law delays a set of Medicare price restra
Saying there are “troubling indications” of abuse in the way hospitals use electronic records to bill for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, the Obama administration warned on Monday that it would not tolerate what it called attempts to “game the system” and vowed to vigorously prosecute doctors and hospitals implicated in fraud. The strongly worded letter, signed by the attorney general, Eric H