These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.

With a small, bonded team of designers, engineers and strategists we create bespoke solutions for companies and brands in the digital realm. Clients and long-term collaborators include Mykita, Nomos Glashütte, Dinamo, David Chipperfield Architects, Bugatti Automobiles. Fixed Desks available We have some spare desks in our lovely offices in Berlin and Cologne Learn more
インスピレーションを向上させたい 時に僕が見てまわるWebサイトを ご紹介。というか基本的に殆ど閃く 事は皆無に等しいレベルでナンセ ンスな人間なのでドーピング的に 綺麗なものを見るようにしています。 というわけで、発想力の有る方には全く役に立たないエントリーです。個人的には勉強を兼ねたWebデザイン、フォトグラフィのためのインスピレーション向上が目的ですが、「発想力を上げる」というのは様々な業種の方にも通ずるものがあるのではないかと思っています。 パッと見、一貫性の無いまとめですが、どのサイトからもアイデアを貰ったことがあるのでそういったWebサイト集になります。順不同。 Dribbble 世界中のデザイナーの作品が見れるサイトです。新しく作ったコンテンツを公開してくれます。色やカテゴリで探せますが、どれも素敵なのでダラダラ見てるのも楽しいです。 Dribbble We heart it
2009 was a great year and we hope every body have enjoyed this year. Different topics were discussed in this year but “Design Inspiration” and “Tutorials” were the two hot topics around different websites in 2009. Throughout year there were great articles posted related to design inspiration and tutorials. We learned a lot of new stuff from these resources and expecting much more amazing stuff in
このドメインは お名前.com から取得されました。 お名前.com は GMOインターネットグループ(株) が運営する国内シェアNo.1のドメイン登録サービスです。 ※表示価格は、全て税込です。 ※サービス品質維持のため、一時的に対象となる料金へ一定割合の「サービス維持調整費」を加算させていただきます。 ※1 「国内シェア」は、ICANN(インターネットのドメイン名などの資源を管理する非営利団体)の公表数値をもとに集計。gTLDが集計の対象。 日本のドメイン登録業者(レジストラ)(「ICANNがレジストラとして認定した企業」一覧(InterNIC提供)内に「Japan」の記載があるもの)を対象。 レジストラ「GMO Internet Group, Inc. d/b/a」のシェア値を集計。 2024年5月時点の調査。
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Using color gradients as a type treatm
Marketing & SEO A Better Google Analytics AlternativeOur recent migration to GA4 left a lot to be desired and led us to explore for better google analytics alternatives. We tried just about everything out there, including Plausible, Fathom, and several others, all with their own pros and cons. The biggest hurdles were: limited features and higher costs.… CSS offers an array of tools that, when use
If web design inspiration is as easy as drinking a cup of coffee or you can easily find inspiration in a cup of coffee, then a web designer’s life is a breeze. However, like their art and all that code that goes with it, there are times when inspiration seems hard to come by. So where do you get inspiration as a web designer? Your Web Designer Toolbox Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ Web Templates, I
Styles in design are described and classified in many ways. Sometimes they are given a moniker, like “Web 2.0,” other times they are referred to by their appearance: grungy, minimalist, retro, big type. The people (and brands) to which modern design styles are attributed are as numerous as the styles themselves. Many designers look to a brand such as Apple as an example of great modern design beca
When it comes to design sometimes less is more. Find inspiration in this collection of 20 light minimalist website designs. Related posts: – TOP 35 Grunge Websites – 25 Most Spectacular Blog Designs – 25 Most Impressive Flash Sites Antti Viitala Behavior Design Christian Coigny Photograps Coudal Partners Crate&Barrel Japan Car DS.Emotion Eva Solo Guido Callarelli Graphic Design Hydra Media Group L
Mark Dearman — Designer based in Bristol, UK. Specialising in digital art-direction, 3D design and motion.
As a follow up on last week’s roundup of 105 Examples of Clean and Minimal Twitter Apps, I thought this week would be the time to share with everyone examples of extreme minimalism in web design, and how with minimal elements, when properly used, so much can be achieved. The 30 Examples of Extreme Minimalism in Web Design are grouped in 4 sections: Web Apps Portfolios A simple Yes or No answer Mis
There are a ton of awesome web design trends going around. I call them awesome – you may call them oversaturated and ‘old school’ – however, I feel that any design trend out there has its place in the web design community and this one is a trend that I hope NEVER goes away. The illustrations in the below websites showcase design skill well beyond creating boxes and gradients in photoshop. They sho
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. The creative utilization of color grad
Typography is the backbone of web and graphic design but it can also be a form of art on its own. Pairing the right fonts together, mixing and matching different font weights, and using fonts to ensure your entire design remains legible in all situations requires a deep understanding of typography principles and how they work together with other design principles to create a cohesive design. As su
Instagram Highlight Covers: Custom Designs Welcome to Legwork Studio – Your Source for Unique Instagram Designs We’ve evolved! Legwork Studio is now fully dedicated to providing top-tier, Instagram-focused design services. Our creative journey has shifted toward helping individuals and businesses elevate their Instagram profiles with stunning visuals that resonate with their brand identity. One of