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Pencil is a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use. Top features: * Built-in stencils for diagraming and prototyping * Multi-page document with background page * Inter-page linkings! * On-screen text editing with rich-text supports * Exporting to HTML, PNG, document, Word document and PDF. * Undo/redo supports * Installing user-defined
Safari 4 Beta sprinted from the gate with a claim to being "3x faster than Firefox" at JavaScript rendering. We're calling Apple's ante and updating our browser speed tests with the latest builds. As in our previous speed tests, we're looking at a few key factors that the average browser user notices—how long the software takes to start up and load pages, how much memory it uses, and the JavaScrip
How to use "functions for keyconfig" ■ Step1: Install keyconfig extension. This extension needs another extension named "keyconfig extension". If you don't install keyconfig extension yet, install it before configuration.
Delicious なんかdel.icio.usでのブクマに失敗する、と思ったら色々変わってた。 というかURL変わっちゃった。 URLは前の方が好きだなー。 という訳で、minibufferbookmarkcommand.user.jsいじってみる。 ブクマ済みかどうかの判断処理が出来てないけどとりあえず。 172c172 < "¬es=", encodeURIComponent(self.comment|''), --- > "¬es=", encodeURIComponent(self.comment), 261c261 < return $X('id("header-auth-links")/a[@href="/logout"]', html).length; --- > return $X('id("globalnav")//a[@href="
■ Greasemonkey 用スクリプト - Deny Rakuten News ※Greasemonkey は Firefox 用の拡張機能です。詳しくは Firefox まとめサイト で確認して下さい。 DenyRakutenNews.user.js (gist) その他のスクリプト 楽天市場 で、注文確定直前の画面に出てくるメルマガ購読のチェックを自動的に全てオフにします。 一応商品の注文に関わる画面なので、なるべく影響が出ないようにと考えて結構キツメの制限をつけてチェックを外すようにしています。なので、漏れがあるかもしれませんから、送信前に本当にチェックが外れているか確認するようにして下さい。 あまり考えられませんが、想定外の所のチェックが外れるという可能性も考慮し、オフにしたチェックボックス付近の背景色を目立つように変更しているので、確認する際に役立てて下さい。 このスクリプト
The Digg Extension for Firefox provides a light and streamlined approach to staying connected to the latest popular content on Digg. Everything you need is placed under a Digg menu found at the top of the browser. Current Page Details: As you browse the Web, you can see whether or not the web page you are currently viewing has been submitted to Digg and, if not, it lets you submit it with just one
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, titled Myths and Mortals was released last Friday, on March 8 2024, and although it wasn’t a smooth intro to fans, a new record was hit soon after. In the early afternoon of the following day (March 9) a peak of 5,152,863 players was recorded via the count tracker…
Not compatible with Firefox QuantumNot compatible with Firefox Quantum (formerly known as Zoom It!) Zooms to make your desired section of a page fit into the viewport and adds a zoom control panel to the statusbar. Warning, due to a change in the ZoomManager that unified fullZoom and textZoom UI, versions of this extension >= 0.21 do NOT play well with versions of Firefox prior to 3.0b4pre and in