Brandon Satrom - Slides at This session was presented at the O'Reilly Fluent Conference in San Francisco, CA on May 29th, 2013 - It doesn't take long for most developers to sniff out a poorly-designed JavaScript API. Withi To view a complete archive of the Fluent 2013 tutorials and sessions, check out the All Access video compilation: Let's dive into the latest improvements to developer tools that support your productivity in authoring JavaScript experiences.
Brian Lonsdorf has a love-hate relationship with Underscore.js. Yes, it offers a bunch of tools included in today's functional programming paradigm (like map, filter, reduce, take, drop, compose, etc.), but in Underscore the functions are sometimes verbose and unintuitive. It claims to be a functional programming language, but how true is that? Despite certain characteristics, Brian offers some s
The DevTools have evolved over the past year to offer a number of features that can enrich your development workflow, helping you achieve more common tasks without the need to leave your browser. This session introduces you to some of these features, including Workspaces - a convenient way to create and edit new applications. We will also look at a better Sass editing workflow, where changes c
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THE ULTIMATE SCI-FI MOVIE TIMELINE The science-fiction genre inexorably marches on much like time itself – new sci-fi films are always getting made, positing tales of possible futures, alternate realities, and mysterious pasts. But with millennia after millennia of invading aliens, killer robots, and time-tripping DeLoreans, how can we make sense of this shared history of geek greatness? That's wh
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Ariadne (the architect) has designed the layout of the dream and taught it to Yusuf. The team kidnap Fischer - the heir to his father's business empire. Eames (the Forger) impersonates Fischer's father's advisor, Browning, and tells Fischer that his father wanted him to build something of his own, and left a will in a safe that would dissolve the empire if he wanted to. Saito (the Tourist), the CE
Updated for iOS 5. Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone and iPad platform using the iOS SDK. User interface designs for mobile devices and unique user interactions using multi-touch technologies. Object-oriented design using model-view-controller paradigm, memory management, Objective-C programming language. Other topics include: object-oriented database API, animation, mul