Codebender for Education Demo Sign Up Create, run and share your Arduino code anywhere $10/month, start with a free 1-month trial. All you need is a browser plugin and our Arduino IDE. Demo Sign Up We help you write and share your code Codebender's features help you code faster, get things done, and move on to other cool stuff. Create You're able to access and edit your sketches from anywhere. All
23 June, 2014 Vim for People Who Think Things Like Vim Are Weird and Hard Written by Harry Roberts on CSS Wizardry. Table of Contents In the Beginning Featured case study: NHS Learn Your Text Editor Widely Available Customisable and Extensible Modes Very Literal Keyboard Shortcuts Highly Composable Very Minimal Further Reading Vimpressive! I’ve been quite an avid and exclusive user of Vim for a co
Desktop HTML5 editor with a live HTML viewer. Can be used for Javascript and CSS coding. Utilizes the incredible Codemirror text-editor for highlighting and indentation. Lightweight and easy to setup. Anyone can use it. Customizable UI. You can change the primary UI color at any time. (more customization coming soon). Compatible with all platforms: Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.
Desktop HTML5 editor with a live HTML viewer. Can be used for Javascript and CSS coding. Utilizes the incredible Codemirror text-editor for highlighting and indentation. Lightweight and easy to setup. Anyone can use it. Customizable UI. You can change the primary UI color at any time. (more customization coming soon) Compatible with all platforms: Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux
JavaScript developers, unite! Kodiak JavaScript: The perfect IDE for web developers. The preview system along with quick linking to frameworks and libraries makes Kodiak a great way to explore and put together quick samples. ~ Chris Webb Kodiak is a light-weight but powerful run-time environment for PHP and Javascript coders. And it’s kickass. ~ iGeeksBlog
VIM Clutch is a hardware pedal for improved text editing speed for users of the magnificent VIM text editor (1, 2). When the pedal is pressed down, the pedal types "i" causing VIM to go into Insert Mode. When released, it types <Esc> and you are back in Normal Mode. I just made one and it works great. Here is how I did it. Purchased 2 USB foot switches (pedals) from China: I used and pa