Bridging web design and implementation Amara Sanctuary, Sentosa, Singapore 19th November 2014 sponsored by Schedule We’re very proud to have some of the finest CSS developers sharing their stories and experiences. Follow us on Twitter for regular updates around the event and CSS. 9:15 AM Karolina Szczur @fox No More Tools As creatives we constantly search for ways to optimise and streamline workfl
We’re excited to announce that the entire 10 hours of talks by our amazing speakers are now available to watch online. If you were lucky enough to be there, we hope you enjoy reliving the day. If you weren’t able to make it, we’re glad we can make these available, and we hope to see you next year :) The story of how CSSConf came to be, how you can be involved, the intersection of design and develo
Let the fun starts before the conference even begins! Join your fellow CSSConf friends at the Melbourne Zoo for a night-time interactive tour. You will explore the zoo in small groups while being guided by a mysterious device, hearing stories about the animals and learning secrets of the zoo at nightfall. It’ll be exciting, thought provoking and most importantly, an adventure that you won’t forget
One of the coolest benefits of preprocessors is that they have easy-to-grok open source parsers that you can actually get into. By injecting yourself after the pre-CSS code has been parsed, you can have a data-centric view of your styles. You can use this information to reduce complexity, point out probable mistakes, or more interestingly, gather metrics, and implement real-time update mechanisms